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Open laptops during a discussion: Regent University, Virginia Beach, offers a graphic design minor online.

Minor – Graphic Design


Students choosing the Minor in Graphic Design must take 15 credits from the following:

DSGN 110 Design Applications & Industry (3)
DSGN 130 Image Manipulation (3)
DSGN 200 Digital Photography (3)
DSGN 300 Graphic Symbolism (3)
DSGN 305 Web Design (3)
DSGN 425 Publication Design (3)

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Featured Courses
DSGN 110Design Applications & Industry3
Provides a comprehensive introduction to the hardware systems, design applications and industry practice for graphic design. The lectures and class demonstrations cover the basic techniques and processes of graphic design. Basic fundamentals of professional practice, including: systems, processes, common documents; OSHA guidelines; legal issues pertinent to the creative professions; budgeting; project management: marketing will be introduced.
DSGN 130Image Manipulation3
Introduces basic knowledge and skills in Adobe Photoshop. Students learn the terminologies, concepts, methods and techniques in image manipulation. These skills will be used as a tool for analyzing and creating various images for design. Prerequisites: DSGN 110, DSGN 120, DSGN 121.
DSGN 200Digital Photography3
Introduces the techniques for taking digital photography, editing and manipulating photos in Adobe Photoshop and Camera Raw. Focuses on photographic effects and techniques used as tools for analyzing and creating various images to be used in design.
DSGN 300Graphic Symbolism3
Explores the idea of the iconography in graphic design. Logos and other symbolic images are examined in historic and cultural contexts. Various types of logos explored. Emphasis will be on visually representing appropriate forms as graphic symbols. Prerequisite: DSGN 210.
DSGN 305Web Design3
Basic understanding of web design concept, process and techniques. Introduces basic web design using HTML and CSS. Planning and designing effective web pages; implementing web pages by writing HTML and CSS code; enhancing web pages with appropriate design elements; and producing a functional, multi-page website. Prerequisite: DSGN 210.
DSGN 425Publication Design3
Investigates the underlying principles of publication design, a mainstay in the study of graphic design, including hierarchy, grid, page layout, typography, sequence and pagination, and digital publishing. Explore concepts, technologies and practices in various areas of publication designs. Prerequisites: DSGN 210 and DSGN 220.

Course fees

ANIM100Fundamentals of Animation$200
ANIM103Introduction to Digital Art$200
ANIM112Fund/2D Comp. Based Animation$200
ANIM115Intro to Sound & Motion Graphics$200
ANIM121Fundamentals of Design$200
ANIM203Introduction to 3-D Animation$200
ANIM210Writing for Animation$70
ANIM218Adv 2-D Comp Anim Tech$200
ANIM222The Art of the Storyboard$200
ANIM310Business Planning for Media$70
ANIM314Adv 3-D Animation Techniques$200
ANIM340History of Animation$70
ANIM400Portfolio Preparation$200
ANIM413Motion Graphics for Film & TV$200
ANIM415Animation in 3D$200
ANIM450Special Effects Film/Video$200
ANIM480Production Practicum$200
ANIM489Animation Workshop$200
ANIM496Culminating Project$200
ARTA120Introduction to Drawing$70
ARTA121Fundamentals of Design$200
ARTA201Comparative Anatomy & Figure Drawing$200
ARTA3123-D Design Methods$200
ARTA320Painting 1$200
ARTA401Advanced Drawing$200
BIOL101Intro to Bio w/Lab$70
BIOL121General Biology I$70
BIOL122General Biology II$70
BIOL201Human Anatomy & Physiology I$70
BIOL202Human Anatomy & Physiology II$70
BIOL321General Microbiology$200
BUSN470Strategic Management$50
CHEM121General Chemistry I$70
CHEM122General Chemistry II$70
CHEM221Organic Chemistry I$70
CHEM222Organic Chemistry II$70
CRJU460Senior Research/CrimJus$30
CTVU129Fundamentals of Production$200
CTVU256Fundamentals/Post Production$200
CTVU258Sound Design$200
CTVU327Film Producing$200
CTVU350Fundamentals of TV Production$200
CTVU427Film Producing$200
CTVU480Production Practicum$200
CTVU496Senior Project$200
ENGL485English Senior Seminar$40
GENE100Making of the Christian Mind$75
GENE402Making of the Christian Leader$75
GOVT493Senior Sem in Government$30
HIST207Western Civilization I$25
HIST401Historiography & Research Meth$30
MATH440History of Mathematics$25
MUSI347Sight Reading/Musical Performa$70
MUSI348Ensemble Performance$70
MUSI380Voice Practicum$70
NSCI270Natur/Sci/Ethics w/ Laboratory$70
NSCI499Thesis Research and Writing$70
PHYS221General Physics I$70
PHYS222General Physics II$70
THEU132Basic Acting 1$200
THEU221Movement for the Stage$200
THEU 227Makeup for the Theatre$200
THEU232Basic Acting 2$200
THEU234Voice/Diction for Stage 1$200
THEU312Stage Combat$200
THEU323Principles of Theatre Design$200
THEU324Stage & Theatre Management$70
THEU330Screen Acting 1$200
THEU337Voice/Diction for Stage 2$200
THEU375SpTp: Playwriting$60 (fees vary per section)
THEU380Voice Practicum$70
THEU402Modern Drama$70
THEU405Theatre History 1$70
THEU406Theatre History 2$70
THEU420Performance Studio$70
UED480APracticum I$70
UED480BPracticum II$70
UED495Field Experience/Student Teach$200
ACCT472Advanced Accounting II$50
ANIM115Intro to Sound & Motion Graphics$200
ANIM121Fundamentals of Design$70
BUSN470Strategic Management$50
CRJU460Senior Research/CrimJus$30
CTVU480Production Practicum$70
ENGL485English Senior Seminar$40
GENE100Making of the Christian Mind$75
GENE402Making of the Christian Leader$75
GOVT493Senior Sem in Government$30
HIST401Historiography & Research Meth$30

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“Proverbs 27:17 states, 'Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.' That's been my Regent experience academically and relationally. I am grateful to have grown together with such amazing people.”
Christian Ellis, B.S. in Business, 2018; M.A. in Organizational Leadership, 2020 Executive Assistant to the Executive Vice President, Regent University
“I visited Regent during my brother’s first semester as a graduate student, toured the gorgeous campus, and realized I was called to Regent too.”
Abbie Braswell, B.S. in Business, 2020 Former Resident Assistant, Regent University
“Regent prepared me to step into the unknown with confidence and skill.”
Jonathan Holman, B.S. in Business, 2019 Director of Business Intelligence, Hampton Roads Economic Development Alliance
“Getting a Big Idea/Dreamworks internship and working on VeggieTales in the House was a dream come true. Ultimately I want to write and direct stories, regardless of what form they take. Storytelling is what I love, and I'm so grateful Regent has helped me develop that passion.”
Justin Garcia, B.A., 2014 Animator
“During a campus visit, I discovered the next path the Lord had for me.”
Drew Aiken, College of Arts & Sciences, 2022 Regent Royals men’s basketball captain