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Graduates studying at the library: Regent University offers an English minor online and in Virginia Beach, VA 23464.

Minor – English

On Campus, Online

Students choosing the Minor in English must take:

ENGL 202 Literature of the United States: Beginnings to the Civil War (3) or
ENGL 203 Literature of the United States: Civil War through the 21st Century (3)
ENGL 211 British Literature: Middle Ages through the 18th Century (3) or
ENGL 212 British Literature: 19th Century through the 21st Century (3)

Take one (1) course from the following:

ENGL 240 Introduction to Creative Writing (3)
ENGL 305 The Art of the Essay (3)

Plus two (2) courses from the following:

ENGL 285 Introduction to the English Language (3)
ENGL 330 Studies in World Literature (3)
ENGL 331 Hispanic Literature (3)
ENGL 335 Milton & the Seventeenth Century (3)
ENGL 340 Restoration & the Eighteenth Century (3)
ENGL 348 British Romantics (3)
ENGL 350 Victorian Literature (3)
ENGL 361 19th Century American Renaissance (3)
ENGL 362 American Realism & Naturalism (3)
ENGL 363 Literature of the American South (3)
ENGL 364 Modern American Poetry (3)
ENGL 365 Modern American Fiction (3)
ENGL 377 Shakespeare (3)
ENGL 432 Middle English Literature (3)
ENGL 433 English Renaissance Literature (3)
ENGL 475 Special Topics (3)

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Featured Courses
ENGL 202Literature of the United States: Beginnings to the Civil War3
Survey of major works and authors in the United States from the beginning through 1865. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or ENGL 110.
ENGL 203Literature of the United States: Civil War through the 21st Century3
Survey of major works and authors in the United States from 1865 through the present. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or ENGL 110.
ENGL 211British Literature: Middle Ages through the 18th Century3
Survey of English literature from the Middle Ages through 1798. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or ENGL 110.
ENGL 212British Literature: 19th Century through the 21st Century3
Survey of English literature from the Romantic Period through the present. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or ENGL 110.
ENGL 240Introduction to Creative Writing3
Study of and practice in the composition of imaginative literature, with emphasis on the short story and poetry. Students engage in the close reading of texts, both those written by established writers and those of classmates, practicing and presenting their own creative writing. Prerequisite: ENGL 101 or ENGL 110.
ENGL 285Introduction to the English Language3
Study of the structure and history of the English language, including concepts in linguistic, comparative grammar, and how language is used in society. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or ENGL 110.
ENGL 305The Art of the Essay3
Study and practice of writing the genre of the essay. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or ENGL 110.
ENGL 330Studies in World Literature3
Study of literature written by authors from around the world, as read in translation. Students study texts chosen primarily from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and read the literature through a comparative approach, considering historical, intellectual, religious, social, and aesthetic contexts. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or ENGL 110.
ENGL 335Milton & the Seventeenth Century3
Study of the poetry and prose of John Milton and other major 17th century British writers, with an emphasis on the religious and political contexts of the literature. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or ENGL 110.
ENGL 340Restoration & the Eighteenth Century3
Study of British literature between 1660 and 1800, including the origins of the English novel. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or ENGL 110.
ENGL 348British Romantics3
Study of the poetry and prose of the British Romantic Period, including the poetry of Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Keats and the fiction of Austen. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or ENGL 110.
ENGL 350Victorian Literature3
Study of the Victorian writers of England in both poetry and prose, considered in their relation to the intellectual, religious, social, and aesthetic currents of the age. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or ENGL 110.
ENGL 36119th Century American Renaissance3
Study of select poetry and prose of significant mid-nineteenth century American authors, including Emerson, Thoreau, Whitman, Dickinson, Melville, Hawthorne, Poe, and the Fireside Poets. Prerequisite: ENLG 102 or ENGL 110.
ENGL 362American Realism & Naturalism3
Study of select poetry of significant late-nineteenth century American authors, including James, Howells, Wharton, Bierce, Crane, Dreiser, and London. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or ENGL 110.
ENGL 363Literature of the American South3
Study of select poetry and prose of significant post-1920s American authors from the South, including Faulkner, Porter, Wolfe, Williams, Hurston, O’Connor, Welty, and Percy. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or ENGL 110.
ENGL 364Modern American Poetry3
Study of select poetry of significant American authors of the twentieth century, including Robinson, Frost, Williams, Moore, Cummings, Pound, Eliot, Jeffers, Hughes, Stevens, and Wilbur. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or ENGL 110.
ENGL 365Modern American Fiction3
Study of select prose of significant American authors of the twentieth century, including Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Wright, Ellison, Steinbeck, Chandler, Carver, Kerouac, Updike, Cheever, and McCarthy. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or ENGL 110.
ENGL 377Shakespeare3
Critical reading of and writing about selected tragedies, comedies, and histories of William Shakespeare. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or ENGL 110.
ENGL 432Middle English Literature3
Marked by talking animals, dark humor, and moral quests, as well as the rising legend of King Arthur, the proliferation of dream visions, and use of the tale-within-a-tale, Middle English literature engages with matters that readers have wrestled with throughout history: Justice, prudence, vengeance, patience, despair, delight, and more. This course examines how English literature from 1066 to the fifteenth century presents such matters. No previous knowledge of Middle-English required. Prerequisites: ENGL 102 and ENGL 211.
ENGL 433English Renaissance Literature3
Major authors and works of English literature from around the 16th Century, including works of Sidney, Spenser, and Marlowe. Prerequisite: ENGL 211.
ENGL 475Special Topics3
Intensive examination of a selected area of study in the field of literary studies. Topics vary and are announced in advance. This course may be repeated for credit. Lecture, seminar, and/or team study. Prerequisite: ENGL 102 or ENGL 110.

Course fees

ANIM100Fundamentals of Animation$200
ANIM103Introduction to Digital Art$200
ANIM112Fund/2D Comp. Based Animation$200
ANIM115Intro to Sound & Motion Graphics$200
ANIM121Fundamentals of Design$200
ANIM203Introduction to 3-D Animation$200
ANIM210Writing for Animation$70
ANIM218Adv 2-D Comp Anim Tech$200
ANIM222The Art of the Storyboard$200
ANIM310Business Planning for Media$70
ANIM314Adv 3-D Animation Techniques$200
ANIM340History of Animation$70
ANIM400Portfolio Preparation$200
ANIM413Motion Graphics for Film & TV$200
ANIM415Animation in 3D$200
ANIM450Special Effects Film/Video$200
ANIM480Production Practicum$200
ANIM489Animation Workshop$200
ANIM496Culminating Project$200
ARTA120Introduction to Drawing$70
ARTA121Fundamentals of Design$200
ARTA201Comparative Anatomy & Figure Drawing$200
ARTA3123-D Design Methods$200
ARTA320Painting 1$200
ARTA401Advanced Drawing$200
BIOL101Intro to Bio w/Lab$70
BIOL121General Biology I$70
BIOL122General Biology II$70
BIOL201Human Anatomy & Physiology I$70
BIOL202Human Anatomy & Physiology II$70
BIOL321General Microbiology$200
BUSN470Strategic Management$50
CHEM121General Chemistry I$70
CHEM122General Chemistry II$70
CHEM221Organic Chemistry I$70
CHEM222Organic Chemistry II$70
CRJU460Senior Research/CrimJus$30
CTVU129Fundamentals of Production$200
CTVU256Fundamentals/Post Production$200
CTVU258Sound Design$200
CTVU327Film Producing$200
CTVU350Fundamentals of TV Production$200
CTVU427Film Producing$200
CTVU480Production Practicum$200
CTVU496Senior Project$200
ENGL485English Senior Seminar$40
GENE100Making of the Christian Mind$75
GENE402Making of the Christian Leader$75
GOVT493Senior Sem in Government$30
HIST207Western Civilization I$25
HIST401Historiography & Research Meth$30
MATH440History of Mathematics$25
MUSI347Sight Reading/Musical Performa$70
MUSI348Ensemble Performance$70
MUSI380Voice Practicum$70
NSCI270Natur/Sci/Ethics w/ Laboratory$70
NSCI499Thesis Research and Writing$70
PHYS221General Physics I$70
PHYS222General Physics II$70
THEU132Basic Acting 1$200
THEU221Movement for the Stage$200
THEU 227Makeup for the Theatre$200
THEU232Basic Acting 2$200
THEU234Voice/Diction for Stage 1$200
THEU312Stage Combat$200
THEU323Principles of Theatre Design$200
THEU324Stage & Theatre Management$70
THEU330Screen Acting 1$200
THEU337Voice/Diction for Stage 2$200
THEU375SpTp: Playwriting$60 (fees vary per section)
THEU380Voice Practicum$70
THEU402Modern Drama$70
THEU405Theatre History 1$70
THEU406Theatre History 2$70
THEU420Performance Studio$70
UED480APracticum I$70
UED480BPracticum II$70
UED495Field Experience/Student Teach$200
ACCT472Advanced Accounting II$50
ANIM115Intro to Sound & Motion Graphics$200
ANIM121Fundamentals of Design$70
BUSN470Strategic Management$50
CRJU460Senior Research/CrimJus$30
CTVU480Production Practicum$70
ENGL485English Senior Seminar$40
GENE100Making of the Christian Mind$75
GENE402Making of the Christian Leader$75
GOVT493Senior Sem in Government$30
HIST401Historiography & Research Meth$30

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“Regent University provided a firm foundation for my worldview as a Catholic Christian in a profession and field of study largely missing an understanding of metaphysical and theological truths.”
Jalyn Dio, B.S. in Biophysical Sciences, 2022 Assistant Scientist, PPD
“I have loved every minute of the Honor’s program. One thing that has continually surprised me has been the willingness of faculty members to take you under their wing and help you improve your skills.”
Luke Isbell, B.A. in International Studies, 2020 Full-time student; professional photographer
“If I hadn’t gone to Regent, I’m not sure I would be ready for all of this responsibility right now.”
Brittany Finch, B.A. in Religious Studies, 2008 Business Owner
“Regent gave me the tools and confidence to integrate my faith in my community and career. I was able to develop my potential and am now fulfilling my purpose as a business leader.”
Scott Berry, 2009
“I want to be a biomedical engineer and use it for God's glory around the world. Not only do I want to help physically, but I would also want to help spiritually and emotionally. At Regent, I grew so much mentally, spiritually and emotionally in a way I want to share with others.”
Sheila Atieno, B.S. in Biophysical Sciences, 2021 Master’s Student in Biomedical Engineering, New York University