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Graduates in Robertson Hall: Regent University offers a Public Administration certificate program online and in Virginia Beach.

Certificate of Graduate Studies in Public Administration

On Campus, Online
March 17, 2025
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The Certificate in Public Administration, offered online and on campus, can help you develop managerial competence for a successful career in government or in a public or nonprofit organization. You may earn a 12-credit (4 course) certificate of graduate studies in a targeted discipline, either to expand your degree program or as a stand-alone certificate. Through this program, you can learn strong organizational skills and how to apply political theory and strong moral character to your work as you integrate human, fiscal and information resources.

  • Examine principles of economics, work and wealth, interest and debt, and the role of the government in the economy.
  • Understand organizational structure, dynamics, policy, and issues within the public organization.
  • Choose coursework, from budgeting and taxation to human resources and organizational management, based on your goals and interests.

This certificate may help advance your career in nonprofit and faith-based organizations or as a local, state, or national government professional by equipping you as an expert in your field.

Please complete the Request Information form on this page to learn more about this program.

Select 4 courses (12 credits) from the list below:

Featured Courses
GOV 630Public Human Resources Management3
The history, evolution and modern-day dynamics, policy and issues within human resource management, discussing examples from all three levels of government.
GOV 634Public Budgeting & Taxation Policy3
Understanding the development of successful fiscal policy initiatives, the technical material and the political processes involved in making tax and spending policy to interact effectively with other professionals in the development, prosecution and ultimate attainment of a public policy objective. Cross-listed with GOV 734.
GOV 670Principles of Public Administration3
An in-depth analysis of the history of the discipline of American public administration and a development of several distinct principles of normative administrative theory and Judeo-Christian ethics based upon classics in the field.
GOV 671Organizational Theory3
Focuses on theories of organizational structure, dynamics, culture, leadership, motivation, goals and effectiveness, policy decision-making, and pertinent management issues with public organizations.
GOV 693Managing Nonprofit & Faith-Based Organizations3
From a strategic management perspective, explore principles and practices of management and administration as they apply to nonprofit organizations. Unique organizational issues covered include board-staff relations; recruiting and motivating volunteers; accountability; organizing for and managing growth; and strategies to respond to changes in the political, economic and cultural environment.
GOV 694NonProfit & Faith-Based Organizations Fundraising Development3
Provides lectures, case studies, outside speakers, and class discussion of development and advancement issues in the management of nonprofit ministries. Explores fundraising, including determining sources of support, planning the campaign, and successful strategies; marketing ministries, including promotional campaigns and public relations; and management issues including recruiting and managing volunteers.
GOV 696Nonprofit Start-Up3
An in-depth and applied study of the principles and practices of starting a nonprofit organization or program through the development of a feasibility study and business plan.

2024-25 Semester Check-In Deadlines

All students are expected to check-in for the semester two weeks before the session start date. Students should apply, be accepted, enroll in their first courses, and confirm a plan to pay for their courses prior to this date.

SessionSemester Check-InSession Start Date
Session AFriday, August 9Monday, August 19
Session BFriday, October 11Monday, October 21
Session CWednesday, January 8Monday, January 13
Session DFriday, March 7Monday, March 17
Session EFriday, May 2Monday, May 12
Session FFriday, June 13Monday, June 23

The Certificate of Graduate Studies offers an excellent opportunity for those not requiring a master’s degree. This option is often used by those needing continuing education credits or for those who wish to complement their existing degree with additional training for career advancement. Upon completing the certificate, students have the option of applying to the master’s program, and if accepted, all courses taken toward the certificate transfer in.

Application Requirements

Step 1: Apply to Regent University

Submit your application using the Regent University Online Application.

Note: If you are unable to complete our application due to a disability, please contact our Admissions Office at 757.352.4990 or and an admissions representative will provide reasonable accommodations to assist you in completing the application.

Step 2: Submit Your Unofficial Transcripts

Submit your unofficial transcripts to

Upon submitting your application, you will receive an email requesting authorization for Regent University to obtain your official transcripts from your U.S. degree-granting institution. International transcripts must be evaluated by a NACES, AACRAO or NAFSA approved agency.

Step 3: Submit Your Government-Issued ID

To ensure academic integrity, Regent University requires a copy of a government-issued ID. Please submit a scanned copy or photograph of it to

Please feel free to contact the Office of Admissions at 757.352.4990 or should you have any further questions about the application process.

Note: All items submitted as part of the application process become the property of Regent University and cannot be returned.

Certificate of Graduate StudiesTuition Cost Per Credit HourTotal CreditsTuition Cost for Certificate
American Government$69512$8,340
Cyber Practitioner Preparation$6959$6,255
Cybersecurity Policy$69512$8,340
International Relations$69512$8,340
Law & Public Policy$69512$8,340
Middle East Politics$69512$8,340
National Security Studies$69512$8,340
Political Campaign Strategies & Management$69512$8,340
Public Administration$69512$8,340
Terrorism & Homeland Defense$69512$8,340

Student Fees Per Semester

University Services Fee (On-Campus Students)$850 (Fall & Spring)
$700 (Summer)
University Services Fee (Online Students)$700

Military Admissions & Aid » | Cost of Attendance »

*Rates are subject to change at any time.

Whether you are a prospective student or a current student, your questions matter. Please take a few moments to skim our Frequently Asked Questions. If you cannot find the answer to your question, please contact us.

“My online degree allowed me to incorporate my academics with my profession making my graduate experience at Regent incredibly relevant.”
Gabrielle Jackson, M.A., 2012 The Institute for Faith, Work, and Economics
“The whole concept at Regent was, if you are pursuing administration in the public interest, you aren't just doing it to be a bureaucrat, but to serve those around you. You have to be engaged and know what you believe when you go into it, to stand up for what you think is right.”
Andrew Owen, MPA, 2017 Deputy Treasurer, City of Suffolk
“My time at RSG was a rewarding experience! I was enlightened about the various ideas that influence the political, economic, and social agendas of the world. In addition, I built relationships with faculty, staff, and students and benefited from several RSG-sponsored opportunities.”
Takeshia Stokes, M.A., 2010
“The Robertson School of Government was the perfect fit in obtaining a master's degree while serving active-duty. The online program gave me the flexibility I needed. This track of study will truly prepare and position you at the forefront of a rapidly expanding skillset within the federal government.”
Jonathan Tillman, M.A., 2010
“With core classes like American Political Thought in RSG, you realize these issues will come up again in your career. You gain a stance you can defend and confidence that you know what you’re talking about.”
Clarin Gniffke, M.A. Government, 2014 Owner, Alexandra Consulting, LLC