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The base of pillars in Regent University’s Robertson Hall on the Virginia Beach campus.

Regent University Enrolls 11,000th Student

Regent University’s enrollment numbers continue to climb.

On Tuesday, October 17, Regent’s Admissions and Enrollment teams took part in enrolling its 11,000th student, exceeding the university’s student population growth in its nearly 40-year history.

“It’s another great day for Regent, and frankly, another great day for our students,” said Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Gerson Moreno-Riaño. “May the Lord continue to bless our work – it’s a privilege and we’re so grateful.”

As faculty and staff prepare for the launch of Session B, the university boasts a 20-percent year-over-year growth, according to Moreno-Riaño. This, he explained, is both a reflection of God’s goodness along with the vision and support from Regent’s founder, chancellor and CEO, Dr. M.G. “Pat” Robertson, along with the “phenomenal team” on the enrollment front lines.

“Finding ourselves at another enrollment milestone, I’m thrilled to be surrounded by men and women on the faculty and staff who give deeply of themselves to see our students succeed,” said Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management, Heidi Cece. “They serve our students with enthusiasm, encouragement, patience, and praise to ensure they have the information and the resources to be successful.”

Cece said she’s excited for the thousands of new students who are discovering Regent and choosing to join the school.

“The Lord has blessed us, and I believe this blessing will be multiplied for years to come as we remain steadfastly committed to seeing His transformational work in our lives,” said Cece.

Admissions counselor Vickie Brown said she was excited to learn that she would be the one to assist the 11,000th student. And though she knows her work as an individual brought Regent to this significant milestone, she explained it’s the work of the entire Admissions and Enrollment staff that achieved this mark.

“We work really hard to grow this university because we know the mission,” said Brown. “It’s to bring people in so they can leave us and become Christian leaders to change the world.”