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The Fore Family

Members of the Fore family, students of Regent University.

In the spring of 2022, my wife and I took our oldest son, Liam, on tours of a few colleges. Liam was eager to set about conquering the world and was convinced (as were we) that he could “withstand” the environment of a secular college in order to get a “good education.”

We provided encouragement and at the same time, loving reassurance that it is perhaps better to be surrounded by loving and supportive faculty, staff, and students, reminding him that true learning and development isn’t just about curriculum or school name recognition, but also includes personal and spiritual development and growth.

After a tour of Regent, we discussed the differences between the student coffee shops at Regent and a big university in Williamsburg. On the tour of that other university, the coffee shop had sign-up sheets for protests, but the coffee shop at Regent had a sign-up sheet to join a prayer group! After a bit of reflection (and a sit-in in a government class), Liam was sold on Regent!

We were concerned, as any parents are, when we dropped him off at move-in. He was excited and eager and all parties were almost successful at concealing the worry of uncertainty. My beautiful wife and I hugged him, told him we love him, and quickly retreated to the car and prayed for him through our tears. We knew the academics would be challenging, but were more concerned with his personal and spiritual development. We visited just a few weeks later and asked Liam how he was doing. He uttered three words with a big smile: “I am thriving!”

As for the rest of the family, Kimberly and I were so impressed, we changed up our homeschool process and enrolled two of our younger sons in the Early College program. Wyatt and Henry were challenged in Early College, but grew and came out more fully developed from the experience thus far. Our youngest was eager to get going and is now enrolled in the Early College program as well. Through thoughtful reflection and prayer, my beautiful wife, Kimberly, decided to go back to school and is currently enrolled in Regent’s Family Nurse Practitioner program.

So, as we look forward to the challenges and joys of the upcoming school year, this is where our family stands:

  • Me: So proud and honored to be a witness to God’s goodness and blessings for my family
  • Kimberly: Devoted wife, proud mother, and first-year FNP program student
  • Liam: Looking forward to a Government degree in spring and plans for Regent Law next fall
  • Wyatt: A HS senior, Early College student, and plans to become a 2024-25 on-campus cybersecurity student
  • Henry: A HS senior, Early College student, and plans to become a 2024-25 on-campus biophysical sciences student
  • Christopher: A HS Junior, Early College student and still formulating his plan

Kimberly and I are so proud and honored to watch our sons flourish and develop into the Christlike world changers that God created them to be, in large part due to the influence of Regent! It has had an effect of encouraging Christopher, through his brothers’ experiences, even before he has taken a single class. I am also particularly proud of my beautiful wife, Kimberly, for returning to school, with the aim of better serving our local community. To borrow from Liam, our family is thriving! God is so good!

I do not share this to be boastful, I share this to say “Thank You” to the faculty, staff, and students of Regent! May God continue to bless you as he has blessed us!

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