Minor in Financial Management
On Campus, Online
A finance management minor is an excellent complement to any bachelor’s degree program and can give you a competitive edge. If you’re considering finance or business minors, explore this option.
Students choosing the Minor in Financial Management must take:
FINA 345 Corporate Finance (3)
FINA 350 Investment and Portfolio Management (3)
FINA 370 Financial Institutions (3)
FINA 420 Financial Strategy (3)
BUSN 450 International Finance (3)
Note: BUSN 320 and (ECON 120 or ECON 260) are prerequisites to participating in this minor
Course fees
ANIM100 | Fundamentals of Animation | $200 |
ANIM103 | Introduction to Digital Art | $200 |
ANIM112 | Fund/2D Comp. Based Animation | $200 |
ANIM115 | Intro to Sound & Motion Graphics | $200 |
ANIM121 | Fundamentals of Design | $200 |
ANIM203 | Introduction to 3-D Animation | $200 |
ANIM210 | Writing for Animation | $70 |
ANIM213 | CharactDesign/Rigging/Anim | $200 |
ANIM218 | Adv 2-D Comp Anim Tech | $200 |
ANIM222 | The Art of the Storyboard | $200 |
ANIM310 | Business Planning for Media | $70 |
ANIM314 | Adv 3-D Animation Techniques | $200 |
ANIM340 | History of Animation | $70 |
ANIM400 | Portfolio Preparation | $200 |
ANIM413 | Motion Graphics for Film & TV | $200 |
ANIM415 | Animation in 3D | $200 |
ANIM450 | Special Effects Film/Video | $200 |
ANIM480 | Production Practicum | $200 |
ANIM489 | Animation Workshop | $200 |
ANIM495 | Internship | $70 |
ANIM496 | Culminating Project | $200 |
ARTA120 | Introduction to Drawing | $70 |
ARTA121 | Fundamentals of Design | $200 |
ARTA201 | Comparative Anatomy & Figure Drawing | $200 |
ARTA312 | 3-D Design Methods | $200 |
ARTA320 | Painting 1 | $200 |
ARTA401 | Advanced Drawing | $200 |
BIOL101 | Intro to Bio w/Lab | $70 |
BIOL121 | General Biology I | $70 |
BIOL122 | General Biology II | $70 |
BIOL201 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | $70 |
BIOL202 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | $70 |
BIOL321 | General Microbiology | $200 |
BIOL421 | Immunology | $200 |
BUSN470 | Strategic Management | $50 |
CHEM121 | General Chemistry I | $70 |
CHEM122 | General Chemistry II | $70 |
CHEM221 | Organic Chemistry I | $70 |
CHEM222 | Organic Chemistry II | $70 |
CHEM421 | Biochemistry | $200 |
CRJU460 | Senior Research/CrimJus | $30 |
CTVU129 | Fundamentals of Production | $200 |
CTVU246 | Cinematography | $200 |
CTVU256 | Fundamentals/Post Production | $200 |
CTVU258 | Sound Design | $200 |
CTVU310 | Screenwriting | $200 |
CTVU327 | Film Producing | $200 |
CTVU350 | Fundamentals of TV Production | $200 |
CTVU370 | Editing | $200 |
CTVU427 | Film Producing | $200 |
CTVU480 | Production Practicum | $200 |
CTVU495 | Internship | $70 |
CTVU496 | Senior Project | $200 |
ENGL485 | English Senior Seminar | $40 |
GENE100 | Making of the Christian Mind | $75 |
GENE402 | Making of the Christian Leader | $75 |
GOVT493 | Senior Sem in Government | $30 |
HIST207 | Western Civilization I | $25 |
HIST401 | Historiography & Research Meth | $30 |
MATH440 | History of Mathematics | $25 |
MUSI347 | Sight Reading/Musical Performa | $70 |
MUSI348 | Ensemble Performance | $70 |
MUSI380 | Voice Practicum | $70 |
NSCI270 | Natur/Sci/Ethics w/ Laboratory | $70 |
NSCI499 | Thesis Research and Writing | $70 |
PHYS221 | General Physics I | $70 |
PHYS222 | General Physics II | $70 |
THEU105 | Stagecraft | $200 |
THEU132 | Basic Acting 1 | $200 |
THEU181 | Pract/TheatreProd:Costume | $70 |
THEU221 | Movement for the Stage | $200 |
THEU 227 | Makeup for the Theatre | $200 |
THEU232 | Basic Acting 2 | $200 |
THEU234 | Voice/Diction for Stage 1 | $200 |
THEU251 | Improvisation | $200 |
THEU312 | Stage Combat | $200 |
THEU323 | Principles of Theatre Design | $200 |
THEU324 | Stage & Theatre Management | $70 |
THEU330 | Screen Acting 1 | $200 |
THEU337 | Voice/Diction for Stage 2 | $200 |
THEU375 | SpTp: Playwriting | $60 (fees vary per section) |
THEU380 | Voice Practicum | $70 |
THEU402 | Modern Drama | $70 |
THEU405 | Theatre History 1 | $70 |
THEU406 | Theatre History 2 | $70 |
THEU420 | Performance Studio | $70 |
THEU496 | Portfolio | $70 |
UED480A | Practicum I | $70 |
UED480B | Practicum II | $70 |
UED495 | Field Experience/Student Teach | $200 |
ACCT472 | Advanced Accounting II | $50 |
ANIM115 | Intro to Sound & Motion Graphics | $200 |
ANIM121 | Fundamentals of Design | $70 |
BUSN470 | Strategic Management | $50 |
CRJU460 | Senior Research/CrimJus | $30 |
CTVU480 | Production Practicum | $70 |
CTVU495 | Internship | $70 |
ENGL485 | English Senior Seminar | $40 |
GENE100 | Making of the Christian Mind | $75 |
GENE402 | Making of the Christian Leader | $75 |
GOVT493 | Senior Sem in Government | $30 |
HIST401 | Historiography & Research Meth | $30 |