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A graduate at the library: Explore the minor in economics offered by Regent University.

Minor – Economics

On Campus, Online

A minor in economics is an excellent choice for those interested in business, finance, government and administration. Our distinguished faculty will make minoring in economics at Regent a rewarding experience as you gain insight into macroeconomic theories, the role of entrepreneurship and the political economy.

Students choosing the minor in economics must take:

ECON 290 Political Economy (3)
ECON 320 Intermediate Microeconomics (3)
ECON 360 Entrepreneurship, Market Processes & Economics Growth (3)
ECON 380 International Economics (3)
ECON 450 History of Economic Thought (3)

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Uses the tools of economics to examine decision-making in non-market institutions with a particular emphasis on government decision-making. Cross-listed with GOVT 290. Prerequisite: ECON 120 or ECON 260.
Demand, production, cost, and resource allocation in a market economy. Market structures are developed and various forms of market failure are analyzed; models of risk and uncertainty, factor pricing and income distribution. Prerequisite: ECON 120 or ECON 260.
Economic growth and development with a special emphasis on the role of entrepreneurship are applied to the problem of poverty particularly in underdeveloped economies. The interrelationships of economic, political, sociological, historical, theological and technological factors are examined. Prerequisite: ECON 120 or ECON 260.
Studies the principles, concepts, theories and implications of international economics from a trade and business perspective. Topics include: trade policy, restrictions, tariffs, immigration, exchange rate regimes, protectionism, regional trade agreements and impact on global trade. Prerequisite: ECON 230.
Examines the development of economic theory from ancient times to the present. Economic concepts in the Bible are discussed as well as contributions of Greece, Rome, the Middle Ages, and the Reformation with a particular emphasis on developments since the eighteenth century. Prerequisites: ECON 230 and ECON 320.

Course fees

ANIM100Fundamentals of Animation$200
ANIM103Introduction to Digital Art$200
ANIM112Fund/2D Comp. Based Animation$200
ANIM115Intro to Sound & Motion Graphics$200
ANIM121Fundamentals of Design$200
ANIM203Introduction to 3-D Animation$200
ANIM210Writing for Animation$70
ANIM218Adv 2-D Comp Anim Tech$200
ANIM222The Art of the Storyboard$200
ANIM310Business Planning for Media$70
ANIM314Adv 3-D Animation Techniques$200
ANIM340History of Animation$70
ANIM400Portfolio Preparation$200
ANIM413Motion Graphics for Film & TV$200
ANIM415Animation in 3D$200
ANIM450Special Effects Film/Video$200
ANIM480Production Practicum$200
ANIM489Animation Workshop$200
ANIM496Culminating Project$200
ARTA120Introduction to Drawing$70
ARTA121Fundamentals of Design$200
ARTA201Comparative Anatomy & Figure Drawing$200
ARTA3123-D Design Methods$200
ARTA320Painting 1$200
ARTA401Advanced Drawing$200
BIOL101Intro to Bio w/Lab$70
BIOL121General Biology I$70
BIOL122General Biology II$70
BIOL201Human Anatomy & Physiology I$70
BIOL202Human Anatomy & Physiology II$70
BIOL321General Microbiology$200
BUSN470Strategic Management$50
CHEM121General Chemistry I$70
CHEM122General Chemistry II$70
CHEM221Organic Chemistry I$70
CHEM222Organic Chemistry II$70
CRJU460Senior Research/CrimJus$30
CTVU129Fundamentals of Production$200
CTVU256Fundamentals/Post Production$200
CTVU258Sound Design$200
CTVU327Film Producing$200
CTVU350Fundamentals of TV Production$200
CTVU427Film Producing$200
CTVU480Production Practicum$200
CTVU496Senior Project$200
ENGL485English Senior Seminar$40
GENE100Making of the Christian Mind$75
GENE402Making of the Christian Leader$75
GOVT493Senior Sem in Government$30
HIST207Western Civilization I$25
HIST401Historiography & Research Meth$30
MATH440History of Mathematics$25
MUSI347Sight Reading/Musical Performa$70
MUSI348Ensemble Performance$70
MUSI380Voice Practicum$70
NSCI270Natur/Sci/Ethics w/ Laboratory$70
NSCI499Thesis Research and Writing$70
PHYS221General Physics I$70
PHYS222General Physics II$70
THEU132Basic Acting 1$200
THEU221Movement for the Stage$200
THEU 227Makeup for the Theatre$200
THEU232Basic Acting 2$200
THEU234Voice/Diction for Stage 1$200
THEU312Stage Combat$200
THEU323Principles of Theatre Design$200
THEU324Stage & Theatre Management$70
THEU330Screen Acting 1$200
THEU337Voice/Diction for Stage 2$200
THEU375SpTp: Playwriting$60 (fees vary per section)
THEU380Voice Practicum$70
THEU402Modern Drama$70
THEU405Theatre History 1$70
THEU406Theatre History 2$70
THEU420Performance Studio$70
UED480APracticum I$70
UED480BPracticum II$70
UED495Field Experience/Student Teach$200
ACCT472Advanced Accounting II$50
ANIM115Intro to Sound & Motion Graphics$200
ANIM121Fundamentals of Design$70
BUSN470Strategic Management$50
CRJU460Senior Research/CrimJus$30
CTVU480Production Practicum$70
ENGL485English Senior Seminar$40
GENE100Making of the Christian Mind$75
GENE402Making of the Christian Leader$75
GOVT493Senior Sem in Government$30
HIST401Historiography & Research Meth$30

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“My friends and I feel like Regent chose us. It was clear that we were meant to be here, and we're better for it. I tell others, 'If you're looking for something out of the ordinary, something authentic, that gives evidence to God, I suggest Regent University.' Our community and the pursuit of God are unparalleled.”

Kristin Smith, B.A. in History, 2020 Next Generation Coordinator, Strong Tower Church

“With 30+ years of nursing experience, I saw myself as a leader, but I felt this nudging from God to go back to school. I’ve discovered my new calling: to serve as a life coach.”

Ellyn Jett, B.A. in Communication Studies, 2020 Nurse

“Honors College classes are much more focused on discussion and working with others to solve a problem. My experience was different from school: Instead of reading other peoples' data and writing a report on it, you're forming your own data and then reporting that.”

Allison Hodgkins, College of Arts & Sciences, 2022

“At Regent, they encourage you as an individual and want you to succeed. Don’t sell yourself short. You can do it.”

Robert Coward, B.A. in History, 2019

“Proverbs 27:17 states, 'Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.' That's been my Regent experience academically and relationally. I am grateful to have grown together with such amazing people.”

Christian Ellis, B.S. in Business, 2018; M.A. in Organizational Leadership, 2020 Executive Assistant to the Executive Vice President, Regent University