Minor – Criminal Justice
On Campus, Online
Students choosing the Minor in Criminal Justice must take:
CRJU 131 Introduction to Criminal Justice (3)
CRJU 220 Criminology (3)
CRJU 280 Criminal Investigation (3)
CRJU 345 Criminal Law (3)
CRJU 410 Theories of Criminal Justice (3)
Course fees
ANIM100 | Fundamentals of Animation | $200 |
ANIM103 | Introduction to Digital Art | $200 |
ANIM112 | Fund/2D Comp. Based Animation | $200 |
ANIM115 | Intro to Sound & Motion Graphics | $200 |
ANIM121 | Fundamentals of Design | $200 |
ANIM203 | Introduction to 3-D Animation | $200 |
ANIM210 | Writing for Animation | $70 |
ANIM213 | CharactDesign/Rigging/Anim | $200 |
ANIM218 | Adv 2-D Comp Anim Tech | $200 |
ANIM222 | The Art of the Storyboard | $200 |
ANIM310 | Business Planning for Media | $70 |
ANIM314 | Adv 3-D Animation Techniques | $200 |
ANIM340 | History of Animation | $70 |
ANIM400 | Portfolio Preparation | $200 |
ANIM413 | Motion Graphics for Film & TV | $200 |
ANIM415 | Animation in 3D | $200 |
ANIM450 | Special Effects Film/Video | $200 |
ANIM480 | Production Practicum | $200 |
ANIM489 | Animation Workshop | $200 |
ANIM495 | Internship | $70 |
ANIM496 | Culminating Project | $200 |
ARTA120 | Introduction to Drawing | $70 |
ARTA121 | Fundamentals of Design | $200 |
ARTA201 | Comparative Anatomy & Figure Drawing | $200 |
ARTA312 | 3-D Design Methods | $200 |
ARTA320 | Painting 1 | $200 |
ARTA401 | Advanced Drawing | $200 |
BIOL101 | Intro to Bio w/Lab | $70 |
BIOL121 | General Biology I | $70 |
BIOL122 | General Biology II | $70 |
BIOL201 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | $70 |
BIOL202 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | $70 |
BIOL321 | General Microbiology | $200 |
BIOL421 | Immunology | $200 |
BUSN470 | Strategic Management | $50 |
CHEM121 | General Chemistry I | $70 |
CHEM122 | General Chemistry II | $70 |
CHEM221 | Organic Chemistry I | $70 |
CHEM222 | Organic Chemistry II | $70 |
CHEM421 | Biochemistry | $200 |
CRJU460 | Senior Research/CrimJus | $30 |
CTVU129 | Fundamentals of Production | $200 |
CTVU246 | Cinematography | $200 |
CTVU256 | Fundamentals/Post Production | $200 |
CTVU258 | Sound Design | $200 |
CTVU310 | Screenwriting | $200 |
CTVU327 | Film Producing | $200 |
CTVU350 | Fundamentals of TV Production | $200 |
CTVU370 | Editing | $200 |
CTVU427 | Film Producing | $200 |
CTVU480 | Production Practicum | $200 |
CTVU495 | Internship | $70 |
CTVU496 | Senior Project | $200 |
ENGL485 | English Senior Seminar | $40 |
GENE100 | Making of the Christian Mind | $75 |
GENE402 | Making of the Christian Leader | $75 |
GOVT493 | Senior Sem in Government | $30 |
HIST207 | Western Civilization I | $25 |
HIST401 | Historiography & Research Meth | $30 |
MATH440 | History of Mathematics | $25 |
MUSI347 | Sight Reading/Musical Performa | $70 |
MUSI348 | Ensemble Performance | $70 |
MUSI380 | Voice Practicum | $70 |
NSCI270 | Natur/Sci/Ethics w/ Laboratory | $70 |
NSCI499 | Thesis Research and Writing | $70 |
PHYS221 | General Physics I | $70 |
PHYS222 | General Physics II | $70 |
THEU105 | Stagecraft | $200 |
THEU132 | Basic Acting 1 | $200 |
THEU181 | Pract/TheatreProd:Costume | $70 |
THEU221 | Movement for the Stage | $200 |
THEU 227 | Makeup for the Theatre | $200 |
THEU232 | Basic Acting 2 | $200 |
THEU234 | Voice/Diction for Stage 1 | $200 |
THEU251 | Improvisation | $200 |
THEU312 | Stage Combat | $200 |
THEU323 | Principles of Theatre Design | $200 |
THEU324 | Stage & Theatre Management | $70 |
THEU330 | Screen Acting 1 | $200 |
THEU337 | Voice/Diction for Stage 2 | $200 |
THEU375 | SpTp: Playwriting | $60 (fees vary per section) |
THEU380 | Voice Practicum | $70 |
THEU402 | Modern Drama | $70 |
THEU405 | Theatre History 1 | $70 |
THEU406 | Theatre History 2 | $70 |
THEU420 | Performance Studio | $70 |
THEU496 | Portfolio | $70 |
UED480A | Practicum I | $70 |
UED480B | Practicum II | $70 |
UED495 | Field Experience/Student Teach | $200 |
ACCT472 | Advanced Accounting II | $50 |
ANIM115 | Intro to Sound & Motion Graphics | $200 |
ANIM121 | Fundamentals of Design | $70 |
BUSN470 | Strategic Management | $50 |
CRJU460 | Senior Research/CrimJus | $30 |
CTVU480 | Production Practicum | $70 |
CTVU495 | Internship | $70 |
ENGL485 | English Senior Seminar | $40 |
GENE100 | Making of the Christian Mind | $75 |
GENE402 | Making of the Christian Leader | $75 |
GOVT493 | Senior Sem in Government | $30 |
HIST401 | Historiography & Research Meth | $30 |