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Want Your Best Semester Ever at Regent University? Use These 6 Free Resources

Sound the trumpets and light the beacons — it’s a new semester. You’re off on a fresh journey. Alright, so maybe not literal trumpets. But we do have an eternal flame, so if you’re going to challenge the whole beacons thing, you’re going to fight an uphill battle.

Ever heard of Sir John Franklin’s 1845 expedition to find a northern passage through the oceans north of Canada, a sea strewn with plains of solid ice?

They brought rations and consumable goods, but they also brought items of luxury from Victorian-era England. When the two ships on the expedition got stuck in ice, some of the crew tried to haul themselves, and their precious cargo, back south, and to safety. Sadly, not one of the 129 crewmen survived.

Turns out leather-bound books and chess sets don’t do much good when it’s 20 degrees below zero and there’s no food.

Often times, individuals don’t fail because they forget resources, but simply because they take the wrong ones — a truth the men of the Franklin expedition came to soberly grasp as they waned away, lost in a land of ice and brutal cold.

Fortunately, you’re not trapped in an icy tundra. Getting your degree isn’t so far off, and to make sure you get there, here’s a list of Regent University’s invaluable resources for college students.

Center for Student Happiness

They do much more than keep students happy. Their entire purpose is centered on helping students succeed. “Life Coaching” is one of the services they offer. During coaching sessions — which are totally free of charge to students and can be done in person, over the phone, or via video call — coaches help students organize their schedules and strategize with them on ways to balance and manage their workload and responsibilities.

Staff manning the phones are ready and able to assist students with a variety needs — anything from questions about Canvas, to prayer and moral support.

Writing Lab & Math Lab

Stumped on that term paper? Is math homework turning out be impassible? Fret not. The our writing and math labs are here for you. Both are staffed by individuals more than qualified to help you grasp and complete those difficult assignments. Appointments can be made online, and support sessions held in person, over the phone, or online.

Information Technology Help Desk

Having difficulties accessing Regent systems (Genisys, Canvas, Email, etc.)? The Help Desk is your first point of assistance. Staff members are on hand from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. to reset passwords, walk you through login issues, help you overcome Canvas glitches, and several other computer concerns.

University Library

Google is no match for any seasoned librarian, and the ones who work in Regent University’s Library are no exception. These helpful staff are dedicated to helping students find the books, articles, or other resources their academic loads dictate.

The library’s website also contains a plethora of tools and materials, including ebooks and databases filled to the brim with academic, peer-reviewed articles and journals. Need a tutorial on how to use it all? Swing on by their Youtube channel, which is full of helpful videos.

And if you’re looking for a literary community, try visiting one of their book discussions, held regularly throughout the school year.

Campus Ministries

Campus Ministries extends to serve beyond students’ academic needs by fostering discipleship and providing emotional and spiritual support and growth.

They have numerous programs that help students grow in their faith and engage with the community of believers at Regent through weekly life groups as well as Chapel and Unchapel services. Campus Ministries also puts on regular service events called Good Fridays, in which students can volunteer to go fulfill practical needs in the community around Regent’s Virginia Beach campus. What’s more, Campus Ministries have numerous student positions available in various degrees of commitment, which gives students the opportunity to work as servant leaders.

Career & Talent Management

Look at the horizon. Whether graduation is four years away, or four months away, it’s there, and you’ll transition from a student to a professional in the workforce. Career & Talent Management exists to prepare you for that transition and provides resume templates, practice interviews, and networking through career fairs and hiring events. They also have free career and strength finding tests and host regular workshops on anything from interview etiquette to fashion tips for the modern workplace.