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Two students walking on Regent University's campus during the summer in Virginia Beach, VA.

Olga Meshoe Visits Regent University Chapel

Olga Meshoe.
Olga Meshoe.

“I’m here as a testimony of your reach,” said Olga Meshoe to students, faculty and staff at Regent University’s weekly chapel service on Wednesday, March 2.

The founder of Defend, Embrace, Invest, Support Israel (DEISI), explained that it was her hope to one day continue her studies at Regent, having heard of the university long before she traveled there.

“And as a future alumna of Regent, allow me to tell you that the pressure is on you to change the world. You have no excuses.”

Meshoe explained that she believes the students of Regent are a part of a “fraternity,” whose mission it is to “excel in mind and spirit,” with a calling to make a difference in the world.

“Who is going to provide the leadership, the answers, the hope that the world so desperately needs at this time,” asked Meshoe. “I don’t know their names, but I do know that some of these people are sitting in front of me here today.”

Meshoe encouraged members of the Church to continue to be engaged in political and social issues.

“We’re all called to do something,” said Meshoe.

For those who feel as though their voice is too small, or who don’t have the opportunity to travel the world, she says this:

“Goliath stirred fear in the hearts of the most experienced warriors; David wasn’t this,” said Meshoe. “But he was someone who recognized the giant. David made Goliath this business. He took responsibility for an issue that wasn’t necessarily his issue.”

Meshoe explained that the world’s giants – such as poverty, HIV, AIDS, human and child sex trafficking – are current threats that Believers have no choice but to respond to.

“You may say, ‘We’re responding, we’re praying,” said Meshoe. “That’s all well, but I challenge you…we cannot separate ourselves, we cannot be silent.”

Learn more about Regent University’s Campus Ministries.