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Research Conference Regent University in Virginia Beach

Regent University Undergraduate Research Conference

Regent University will hold its 5th annual undergraduate research conference on April 5, 2024. Classes will be cancelled starting at noon on this day to provide students an opportunity to present their research or attend the presentation of a fellow student.

The research conference is a wonderful opportunity for an undergraduate student to present their own research in a fun and encouraging learning environment. Students are encouraged to take research they have worked on in a class or a club and turn it into a presentation or a poster. Presentations are 15 minutes in length. There will also be a poster session during the conference. The event culminates in a time of dinner and fellowship, provided to presenters. 

Who can apply?

Any current Regent University undergraduate student can apply to participate.

There are both on-campus and online opportunities. For online students, you may present your research during online presentation sessions that will also take place on the afternoon of April 5th, 2024.

On-campus students can participate in two different ways: 1) you may present your research to a group of students and faculty. Presentations are 15 minutes in length 2) you may develop a poster where you present your research during the poster session portion of the conference. Posters sessions last 30 minutes.

How do I apply?

You can apply to present your research by filling out the form below. Your submission will be reviewed by our committee, and someone will inform you if your application has been accepted. The committee will also follow up with the next steps if your submission is accepted.

Undergraduate Research Conference Registration Form

Conference Location(Required)
Session Type(Required)
Subject type(Required)

Please submit a 250 word or less abstract of your research paper/project/poster. The University of Michigan defines an abstract as “a short summary of your…research. It is intended to describe your work without going into great detail. Abstracts should be self-contained and concise, explaining your work as briefly and clearly as possible” (Sweetland Center for Writing Website, 2023).

Abstracts will vary by discipline. For example, if you are presenting an English paper, a short paragraph about what the paper is about will suffice. If you plan on presenting a poster of your research, summarize your findings or your process. If you plan on presenting a creative work, please describe it as best you can.