Tuition Payment Options
Regent University’s Business Office offers a number of tuition payment options. Students can opt to pay online, by cash, check, or through bank wire (for international students). They can also enroll in our interest-free Tuition Installment Payment plan. We accept third party payments such as Military Tuition Assistance as well, and offer an Employer Reimbursement Deferment (ERD) plan.
Cash or check (drawn on a US bank) payments are accepted in person at the Business Office. Credit card payments for tuition are not accepted in the Business Office or over the phone.
Mailing Address for Payment
Checks or money orders can be mailed to the following address. Please include your Student ID Number with your payment.
Regent University Business Office
1000 Regent University Drive, ADM 134
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Returned check fee
A returned check fee of $30.00 will be assessed for all payments returned from the bank to the university for any reason, including entering incorrect account and routing numbers for an electronic payment. If a payment is not honored by your financial institution and returned to the university, you will be notified by the Business Office in writing. The full amount of the original payment plus the $30 fee is due within 5 days of notification of the returned item. A Business Office hold will be placed on your student account until your account is current.
Students can pay their account balance online through three options available through their Genisys accounts:
- “Pay by Electronic Check”: This allows for an ACH payment from your checking or savings account. There is no fee to use the online check payment option. Credit Card Convenience Checks cannot be used to make check payments via Genisys. Convenience checks are not recognized by automated banking systems.
- “Pay by Credit Card”: Visa, MC, Amex and Discover are accepted with a 2.85% convenience fee charged on the transaction. If you are using a debit card you should choose the “Pay by Check” option in Genisys to avoid paying the 2.85% fee on the transaction.
- Pay by “TransferMate – INTL”: Regent has partnered with TransferMate to allow students to make payments in the local currency of approximately 50 different countries. After you initiate the payment in the Bill & Payment Center TransferMate will email you instructions for working with your local bank to complete your payment. Be sure to double-check the currency type. Not all countries listed allow for transactions in a local currency. If it says USD, there is no need to use this option. All USD transactions should be made to Regent directly by electronic check, credit card, or by international wire.
Need help with TransferMate? Watch this demonstration video, download step-by-step instructions in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or Chinese, or reach out to the Business Office at studentaccounts@regent.edu or 757.352.4059.
Payment through Genisys
To access the student payment portal from the Genisys Main Menu, select the following links:
- Click on the Bill and Payment Center tab
- Make a Payment
- Select term and press Submit
To request wire transfer information for international payments, please email studentaccounts@regent.edu.
Q: Why did Regent University decide to outsource the processing of credit card payments?
A: Due to the cost of accepting credit and debit card payments (Regent has incurred almost $200,000 per year in credit card fees), many colleges do not accept credit and debit card payments at all. Because we cannot continue to justify paying these processing fees, Regent has considered dropping this payment option. However, we recognize that many students and families appreciate the convenience of using a credit card, and we have sought out alternatives for payment of Tuition and Student Accounts Receivable charges.
Q: What credit cards will be accepted for payment of tuition and fees?
A: Genisys will link to the credit card vendor, Touchnet, to process Visa, American Express, Discover Card, or MasterCard (credit and debit) payments. If you use a credit or debit card to pay your bill, you will be assessed a service charge by Touchnet of 2.85% of the payment amount each time you make a payment.
Q: How was the service charge determined?
A: The rate was determined by our vendor. The University is not directly accepting credit or debit card payments for Tuition and Student Accounts Receivable payments; they are being accepted by our vendor who is charging a service charge for the service. The service charge is not paid to Regent and is not refundable, even if the related payment to Regent is refunded.
Q: Is the service charge refundable?
A: The 2.85% service charge is non-refundable. Any service charge disputes must be taken directly to your credit card company.
Q: Are other colleges and universities making similar changes?
A: Colleges and universities all over the country have made similar credit card payment and convenience fee policy changes including Virginia Tech, Virginia Wesleyan, UVA, James Madison, University of Richmond, Duke, American University, Georgetown University, Radford and NC State.
Q: Can I use a credit card to make purchases at the bookstore?
A: Yes. The bookstore and Regent Ordinary accept credit cards. No convenience fee will be assessed for these payments. Only Tuition and Student Accounts Receivable payments are subject to the service charge.
The Business Office seeks to provide professional and Christ-like service to the University student body, faculty and staff through courteous and accurate service in the receipting, disbursing, recording, and reporting of all financial resources. We provide reports of financial activity and account balances, process vendor invoices and employee expense documents, deposit and record student and interdepartmental cash receipts, and administer the payroll system.
The Tuition Installment Plan (TIP) is an interest-free payment plan designed to assist students in budgeting tuition and housing costs on a monthly basis per semester. Students can enroll in TIP through Genisys: Go to Student Services & Financial Aid and click on Student Records followed by Tuition & Fees Installment Plan Enrollment.
A third party payer is any individual or organization, other than the student, that pays on a student account. Some of the most common third party payers are employers, college savings plans or prepaid college plans, disability/rehabilitative serves, and military assistance. Military Tuition Assistance is a type of third party payment.
The Employer Reimbursement Deferment Plan financing option is for those student or potential students whose employer offers corporate tuition assistance, but the payment to the employee (student) is deferred until 30 days after the class is completed and satisfactory grades are submitted to the employer.
The employer pays the student directly for tuition/fees, while the student is then responsible for making tuition/fees payments to Regent University 30 days after the term ends. The Employer Reimbursement Deferment Plan is available to students in all schools, with the exception of the School of Law. The School of Law does not participate in this program. Students are charged a $45 fee to set up their payment deferment.
The Third Party Payment Plan financing option requires the employer/third party to pay Regent University directly for classes during the course, specifying if funds are for tuition and/or fees. With this option, an employer/third party agrees to pay within 30 days of being invoiced, which may be approximately one week after the add/drop deadline of the semester.
Students are responsible for submitting all documentation of Third Party Payment Authorizations to the Business Office by the payment deadline of each semester.
1. Submit your Third Party Authorization Form to the Business Office:
Email: studentaccounts@regent.edu
Fax: 757.352.4342
This document should be on employer/third party letterhead, authorizing Regent University to bill for tuition/fees. The document must include Student’s First and Last Name, Student ID/SSN/DOB or some other type of identifying information, Amount Authorized, and instructions on where to furnish the invoice.
Typically, college savings plans or prepaid college plans send a roster of students to the Business Office, and no action is required on behalf of the student. Please verify this with your specific college savings plan provider.
2. The Business Office posts a credit on your Student Account.
Before the payment deadline at the start of the semester, the Business Office will post a projected credit (3rd Party Payment Plan) on your student account to match the amount to be covered by the third party payment.
3. We submit an invoice to the third party.
After the add/drop period, the Business Office will send an invoice to the third party for the amount authorized on your Third Party Authorization form.
4. Third Party processes invoice and releases funds.
The third party will process our invoice and will release funds for your tuition/fees to Regent.
Once Regent University received the funds for your tuition from the third party, this payment will replace the credit from the 3rd Party Payment Plan.
The Student Financial Aid Office is available to answer questions regarding the Financial Aid Resources for military students.
If you are receiving Military Tuition Assistance, please review the Military Tuition Assistance section of our website for instructions.
If you are a veteran receiving VA benefits, please review the Veterans Benefit section of our website.