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Regent University Behavioral Intervention Team (RUBIT)

The Regent University administrative, faculty, staff and student community espouse a foundation of academic excellence based on Christian worldview principles. The objective of producing top Christian leaders who operate in pivotal professions is of primary importance to the university’s mission. However, in the event issues arise that warrant concern for the safety of our faculty, staff or students (to include online learners), policies are in place for addressing disruptive, suspicious, or unusual behavior. In particular, these policies function to provide direction in handling homicidal, suicidal, assault or self-injurious threats and behavior.

The Regent University Behavioral Intervention Team (RUBIT) was established to provide guidance, uphold policies and address faculty, staff and student safety needs. The members of this team consist of the Executive Vice President for Student Life, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Senior Vice President/General Counsel, Dean of Student Services, Director of Student Engagement/Title IX Coordinator, Chief of Police, Captain of Police, Sgt./Investigator of Police, Director of Counseling & Disability Services, Director of Campus Ministries, and Vice President of Human Resources (if an employee is involved). The RUBIT may involve other university representatives depending on the nature of the concern addressed.

Regent University serves as a center of Christian thought and action to provide excellent education through a biblical perspective and global context equipping Christian leaders to change the world.

In support to this mission, Regent University’s Behavioral Intervention Team (RUBIT) is dedicated to ensure that the campus is a safe environment where learning, personal and spiritual growth, and professional development can occur.

The RUBIT Protocol was established to provide clear parameters regarding campus incidents that warrant attention. There are three key categories:

  1. Self-injurious behavior (i.e., suicidal ideation/attempt, cutting behavior, dangerous alcohol/substance consumption, etc.)
  2. Disruptive behavior that violates campus community safety (i.e., homicidal threats, stalking, assault, email/Canvas bullying, carrying weapons, etc.)
  3. Unusual behavior (i.e., changes in personality, depressive symptoms, shifts in mood, unexplained irritability and/or lethargy, hopelessness, etc.)

Once an incident is reported to the RUBIT, members of the Committee determine the appropriate steps to address the situation. This process is based on the severity of the concern, the ability of the person in question to engage in the resolution, and the circumstances of the situation.

The RUBIT utilizes a template, Mental Health Issues Response Guidelines, for addressing high-risk and low-risk concerns of both students and non-students. Based on the nature of the report, the team makes a decision what, if any, action to take.

Concerns arising from social media posts or other sources when the person of concern is off-campus, and in the case of an employee off-work, will be handled at the discretion of the Regent University Police Department, who may contact the “emergency contact” listed for the person or request a wellness check from the local police department to the last known address reported to the university.

RUBIT is designed to protect the campus and is not a disciplinary tool, though discipline can result from actions giving rise to the RUBIT report, or other violations of campus policies.

If you observe the behavior of a sIf you observe the behavior of a student, faculty or staff member that warrants concern, please complete and submit the RUBIT Concern Report form immediately. By promptly submitting this form, you will notify the Regent University Behavioral Intervention Team (RUBIT) for follow up purposes. Your submission will be handled with discretion and reviewed by RUBIT with the consideration of campus and personal safety in mind. The timely submission of your RUBIT report is imperative to ensure appropriate intervention can take place and will ensure Regent University may meet its mission statement of maintaining a safe environment where learning, personal and spiritual growth, and professional development can occur. Please complete each section of the form for accuracy of information and follow-up contact (if necessary). Thank you for your commitment to a safe campus and the well-being of those connected with Regent University.

Taking the step to express a concern about someone can evoke mixed feelings. Following are a few questions to explore as you consider your options.

You are registering a concern based on an observed behavior (e.g., verbal exchange, action, etc.), not making a determination. By alerting the appropriate campus representatives, a safety determination can be made.  You will not be disciplined or suffer sanction by making a good faith report, even if it is later determined that your concerns were not valid.

As a caring individual, you may desire to reason with or explore the source of these actions of the person in question. However, based on the threat level, this mentoring approach may not be the best course of action. Always assess the risk. Should you have any concern about your safety or the safety of others, your best course of action for the safety of all involved is to access intervention from people who are trained in these areas.

Sometimes we don’t have all the evidence. Let the Regent University Behavioral Intervention Team (RUBIT) weigh the information and see if gathering more facts is warranted as a response plan is evaluated. Bring what you have because others may have evidence too.

Although action will depend upon the situation, the RUBIT will intervene in support of the person of concern, as well as campus safety.

The RUBIT is the primary responding body at the university. In the event that additional resources need to be mobilized in order to effectively respond to a situation, reported information will be handled discretely.

The majority of reports will stay on file for six (6) years; however, depending on the situation, some reports may stay on file for a longer period of time.

You are doing the right thing in reporting your concerns in support of individuals’ and our campus’s safety. However, this action may also raise concern for the person(s) involved. The RUBIT takes into account the concerns of the campus, as well as the needs of the student, faculty or staff member about whom concerns are expressed. Whether the overall review of information will adversely affect the person’s student or employee status will depend on the situation.

RUBIT will address every report that is brought to the committee. However, you may not be privy to the outcome of an investigation based on the factors involved.

The RUBIT team will ensure the discreet review and response. We cannot guarantee person(s) involved will not be able to figure out the source of the report. However, we take every report seriously and purpose not to divulge information unless it becomes necessary to resolve the concern.

You are encouraged to identify yourself because this may assist the RUBIT if clarification or additional information is needed. Submitting your name also gives your report more credence. Anonymous entries will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Several resources are available for you to get additional information and/or support. If you have questions for the RUBIT, contact us at

The Regent University Police Department has Crisis Intervention Team members on staff and may also be available to assist students.

Following is list of national, regional and local resources. These are provided for guidance to you only, and you should make your own determination as to which of these, if any, are most appropriate to your situation. Regent University makes no representation or warranty as to these services.

Counseling & Disability Services
Student Center, Suite 241

Psychological Services Center
Classroom Building, Suite 188

Regent University Police Department
757.226.2075 (or 911)

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
First Presbyterian Church
820 Colonial Avenue
Norfolk, Virginia 23507

Emotions Anonymous
Emotions Anonymous is a twelve-step organization, similar to Alcoholics Anonymous. Our fellowship is composed of people who come together in weekly meetings for the purpose of working toward recovery from emotional difficulties. EA members are from many walks of life and are of diverse ages, economic status, social and educational backgrounds. The only requirement for membership is a desire to become well emotionally.

NAMI Family-to-Family
(NOTE:  See their websites directly for dates of upcoming classes)

NAMI Family Support Groups, offered by NAMI Affiliates in communities across the country, are free, confidential and safe groups of families helping other families who live with mental health challenges.  In NAMI Family Support Groups, families join a caring group of individuals helping one another by utilizing their collective lived experiences and learned wisdom.  Family members can achieve a renewed sense of hope for their loved one living with mental health challenges.

NAMI Virginia Beach offers two NAMI Family Support Group Programs at Lynnhaven Presbyterian Church, 136 S. Lynnhaven Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23452.

The 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month from 6:30 – 8pm
The 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 7 – 8:30pm

View the Family-to-Family flyer.

For a snapshot of online web portals for mental health see the following:
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention – leading national nonprofit in fight against suicide.  Funds research, offers educational programs, advocates for public policy and supports those affected by suicide.
Provides hope, help, support and education to improve the lives of people who have mood disorders.
Community of people providing mental health information and support, including chats and bulletin boards.
Information and resources for mental and emotional problems, substance abuse, Alzheimer’s and dementia, caring for the elderly and healthy aging.
Confidential resources and interactive tools from United Behavioral Health for the public and consumers. Covers depression, stress, mental health, substance abuse and work-life issues.
Online encyclopedia of articles on mental disorders, treatment, medications and research.
Information and resources on prevention, treatment and rehabilitation services for mental illness.
Original feature articles on mental health issues.
National and community based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and to promoting the overall health of all Americans.
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
National Alliance on Mental Illness – Mental Health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
Provides a get help guide for teens and young adults.
Articles, books, mailing lists, links and information on diseases and conditions.
Find a counselor, therapist or psychologist.  Also includes professional advice, forums. Self-help library and more, anxiety, anger management, stress, addictions, motivation, confidence building, self-esteem and hypnosis.
Provides encouragement and support for people in crisis through online community forums.
Advocacy nonprofit working to eliminate barriers to the treatment of mental illness.
Click here for more advocacy information.