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A person working on his laptop: Explore the master's in accounting at Regent University.

M.S. in Accounting – Financial Reporting & Assurance

Calculate the Benefits of Earning a Master’s in Accounting – Financial Reporting

Accountants are some of the most qualified graduates in the business world. Regent’s Master of Science in Accounting with a concentration in Financial Reporting & Assurance will build upon your knowledge in accounting, finance and economics while preparing you to sit for the CPA exam. You will study advanced subjects in taxation, financial theory, ethics, and auditing and assurance. You’ll also enjoy the benefit of our cooperative partnership with Becker CPA Review, a leading professional in the development of CPA study materials. This partnership offers you access to the most up-to-date accounting study materials. If pursued externally, a CPA review course and exam can cost you up to $4,000. At Regent, your CPA exam prep materials are incorporated in the curriculum and as such can be covered through financial aid, if eligible. Offered fully online, with no GMAT/GRE requirements. Experience Regent, a Christian University based in Virginia Beach that has been ranked among top national universities by the U.S. News & World Report for four years (2019, 2020, 2022 & 2023).

August 19, 2024
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Gain the competitive edge you need to advance in the business world — no GMAT requirement.

Qualify for Certifications

Prepare to sit for the CPA exam and use your knowledge to earn additional certifications (e.g., CMA, CIA, CFE).

Learn from the Best

Be mentored by award-winning faculty who hold the highest degrees in their field. You can also gain advice on your career and professional development from seasoned business professionals through the Executive Mentor Program.

Align Yourself with Excellence

U.S. News ranks Regent among Top National Universities (2019, 2020 and 2022) and has recognized Regent among the Top 5 Best Online Graduate Business Programs (non-MBA) in Virginia for nine consecutive years (2015-2023). Experience the Regent difference through the master’s in Accounting – Financial Reporting & Assurance concentration.

On completing the master’s in Accounting – Financial Reporting & Assurance, you can:

  • Sit for the CPA exam as well as other certifications in your state.
  • Analyze and prepare comprehensive business reports, financial statements and tax records.
  • Understand GAAP regulations to protect the integrity of the financial reporting process.
  • Develop internal systems to produce reliable accounting data that meet auditing and assurance criteria.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics: 

  • Employment in business and financial operations occupations is projected to grow 8% from 2020 to 2030, adding about 750,800 new jobs in the U.S.
  • A growing economy and a complex tax and regulatory environment are expected to generate strong demand for accountants and auditors. In addition, increasing usage of data and market research in order to understand customers and product demand will lead to growing demand for market research analysts. 
  • In 2021, the median annual income for business and financial occupations was $30,000 higher per year than the median wage for all occupations in the U.S.


  • Accountant
  • Auditor/Internal Auditor
  • Tax Accountant
  • Analyst Accountant
  • Accounting Consultant
Approximate Annual Median Wage of Accountants and Auditors, 2022 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Analyzes the financial model and operating performance of a company compared to its competitors and market trends to determine the attractiveness of an investment in the company. Incorporates Becker CPA Review.
Covers the theory, processes and methods of fraud and forensic examinations, criminal and civil procedures relevant to forensic accounting, fraud investigation including fraud prevention, fraud detection and the fraud evidence collection and specialized fraud areas such as tax fraud and money laundering. Incorporates Becker CPA Review.
Addresses how information systems support transaction processing and how the risks these systems may threaten the integrity of financial reporting. Focuses on controls management should implement to mitigate such risk and why auditors should evaluate the effectiveness of the controls in a financial statement audit. Incorporates Becker CPA Review.
Reviews areas of law that people in business are likely to encounter including contracts, bankruptcy, partnerships, corporations, limited liability companies, securities laws, antitrust real property law and intellectual property. Reviews the Uniform Commercial Code dealing with sales of goods, negotiable instruments and secured transactions. Incorporates Becker CPA Review.
Introduces the process of data analytics in accounting and auditing. Covers topics including data scrubbing, data preparation, data quality, data manipulation and descriptive data analytics. Incorporates Becker CPA Review.

2024-25 Semester Check-In Deadlines

All students are expected to check-in for the semester two weeks before the session start date. Students should apply, be accepted, enroll in their first courses, and confirm a plan to pay for their courses prior to this date.

SessionSemester Check-InSession Start Date
Session AFriday, August 9Monday, August 19
Session MFriday, September 6Monday, September 16
Session BFriday, October 11Monday, October 21
Session CWednesday, January 8Monday, January 13
Session TFriday, January 31Monday, February 10
Session DFriday, March 7Monday, March 17
Session EFriday, May 2Monday, May 12
Session FFriday, June 13Monday, June 23


Prior to entry into the M.S. in Accounting program, students must complete the following undergraduate courses with a C+ or better grade:

  • Intermediate Accounting I (3 credit hours)
  • Intermediate Accounting II (3 credit hours)
  • Taxation (3 credit hours)
  • Auditing (3 credit hours)
  • Finance (3 credit hours)
  • Economics (3 credit hours)

The above courses may require their own prerequisites for entry. Regent University will evaluate previous academic transcripts to determine if all the requirements are met. If the above courses have not been successfully completed, Regent offers these courses at the discounted price of $250 per credit hour plus applicable university fees. Federal financial aid may be applicable for up to one year to complete the undergraduate preparatory coursework. For further questions and to start the application process, please contact the admissions office at 757.352.4990.

Admissions Requirements

Step 1: Apply to Regent University

Submit your application using the Regent University Online Application.

Note: If you are unable to complete our application due to a disability, please contact our Admissions Office at 757.352.4990 or and an admissions representative will provide reasonable accommodations to assist you in completing the application.

Step 2: Submit Your Unofficial Transcripts

Submit your unofficial transcripts to

Upon submitting your application, you will receive an email requesting authorization for Regent University to obtain your official transcripts from your U.S. degree-granting institution. International transcripts must be evaluated by a NACES, AACRAO or NAFSA approved agency.

Step 3: Submit Your Government-Issued ID

To ensure academic integrity, Regent University requires a copy of a government-issued ID. Please submit a scanned copy or photograph of it to

Please feel free to contact the Office of Admissions at 757.352.4990 or should you have any further questions about the application process.

Note: All items submitted as part of the application process become the property of Regent University and cannot be returned.

Part-Time Students

DegreeTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Master of Arts (MA) / Master of Science (MS)$6956$4,170
Master of Business Administration (MBA)$6956$4,170
Doctor in Business Administration (DBA)$1,0203$3,060
Doctor of Philosophy in Business (PhD)$1,0203$3,060
Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Leadership (PhD)$1,0203$3,060
Doctor of Strategic Leadership (DSL)$1,0203$3,060

Full-Time Students

DegreeTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Master of Arts (MA) / Master of Science (MS)$6959$6,255
Master of Business Administration (MBA)$6959$6,255
Doctor in Business Administration (DBA)$1,0206$6,120
Doctor of Philosophy in Business (PhD)$1,0206$6,120
Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Leadership (PhD)$1,0206$6,120
Doctor of Strategic Leadership (DSL)$1,0206$6,120

Student Fees Per Semester

University Services Fee (On-Campus Students)$850 (Fall & Spring)
$700 (Summer)
University Services Fee (Online Students)$700

Military Admissions & Aid » | Cost of Attendance »

Student Fees Per Semester

University Services Fee (Online Students)$700
Enrollment Deposit$100
RU Library Course Fee$50 (one-time fee)


DegreeTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Master of Arts (MA) / Master of Science (MS)$6956$4,170
Master of Business Administration (MBA)$6956$4,170
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)$1,0203$3,060
Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Leadership (PhD)$1,0203$3,060
Doctor of Strategic Leadership (DSL)$1,0203$3,060

Full-Time Students

DegreeTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Master of Arts (MA) / Master of Science (MS)$6959$6,255
Master of Business Administration (MBA)$6959$6,255
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)$1,0206$6,120
Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Leadership (PhD)$1,0206$6,120
Doctor of Strategic Leadership (DSL)$1,0206$6,120

Student Fees Per Semester

University Services Fee (On-Campus Students)$850 (Fall & Spring)
$700 (Summer)
University Services Fee (Online Students)$700

Military Admissions & Aid » | Cost of Attendance »

Student Fees Per Semester

University Services Fee (Online Students)$700
Enrollment Deposit$100
RU Library Course Fee$50 (one-time fee)

*Rates are subject to change at any time. The per-credit-hour tuition rate is for SBL master’s level courses only. Concentration courses taken from the other schools at Regent University are charged at that school’s tuition rate.

“Thank you, Dean Gomez, for introducing me to the Executive Mentorship Program. It has blessed me greatly over my last 3 years in the DSL program. Mr. Walt Pilcher an amazing author and man of faith, helped me realize budding spiritual gifts and connect my spirituality to business endeavors. Dr. Katrina Thornton, a senior executive, helped me to consider what it meant to enter and engage with C-suite leaders challenging me to move from tactical leadership to systemic leadership. As a result of my interaction with these leaders I'm leaving this university grateful and mindful of the investment in helping me become a Christian Leader prepared to change the world.”

Derrick Rodgers, Doctor of Strategic Leadership, 2024 Mentee

“Proverbs 27:17 states, 'Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.' That's been my Regent experience academically and relationally. I am grateful to have grown together with such amazing people.”

Christian Ellis, B.S. in Business, 2018; M.A. in Organizational Leadership, 2020 Executive Assistant to the Executive Vice President, Regent University

“Regent University faculty have been incredibly compassionate, prayerful and flexible in supporting me academically and personally. I am a better student, person and professor because of the stellar example I have in Regent’s faculty.”

Lori Peters, DSL, 2023 Professor, The George Washington University

“For me, it’s a direct reflection of what I learned at Regent that made me want to create these companies and have the impact I’m having.”

Jason Carthen, Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership, 2009 NFL linebacker, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, coach, radio host, best-selling author

“Regent prepared me for steps I needed to take to start a business, as well as to lead one.”

Hunter Davis, MBA - International Business, 2019; J.D., 2013; B.A. in Government - American Government & Politics, 2010 Director, The American Environment Foundation; Co-Owner, Duck Donuts