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The base of pillars in Regent University’s Robertson Hall on the Virginia Beach campus.

Fall Faculty Retreat Focuses on Regent Mission

His words in the nearly 40-year-old video rang out with as much inspiration then as they still do today, as Regent Founder, Chancellor and CEO Dr. M.G. “Pat” Robertson talked about Regent’s divine mission – “to build a school for God’s glory.”


The video from Regent’s first convocation on September 10, 1978, was shared at the university’s Fall Faculty Retreat earlier in August. It reminded professors and staff of their vital role in teaching and mentoring students for a life of purpose in careers and community service.

In a day set aside for prayer, worship and reflection, the retreat focused on several of Regent’s founding documents, including its articles of incorporation, the CBN University (Regent’s original name) mission statement, by-laws statement of faith and the university’s first master plan.

Dr. Gerson Moreno-Riaño, Regent’s executive vice president for academic affairs, talked about a project that’s been occurring over the past months to digitize years of records from the Academic Affairs office.

“This has been a humbling time, as I have been reviewing files and letters from Regent’s history. A lot of great people came before us to establish this university,” Moreno-Riaño said. “The work we do here is essential, and it’s important to remind ourselves of why this began.

“What Dr. Robertson received from the LORD, wrote and said 40 years ago is as true then as it is now, and it was as relevant and important for the university then as it is for today’s Regent University and for tomorrow’s Regent University.”

To further encourage faculty and stimulate reflection, the university engaged Christian author and lecturer Dr. Os Guinness to address contemporary culture and its challenges to the Church.

Speaking to the Regent audience, Guinness pointed to several of these challenges and urged professors to teach their students how to meet them. Three challenges he identified are working with the church in the global south, living and serving with integrity in the western world where the church’s influence is waning, and contributing to the “human future.” Guinness maintained that today’s students need to understand and be prepared to participate in the transformation of an increasingly advanced global society.

“I commend you for your faithfulness and bring affirmation of all you are doing,” Guinness said. “Think of the challenges to come and who has the answers – we say the Gospel and Jesus is the answer. By God’s grace, your students must show it and demonstrate it and prevail in discussion.”