WEATHER ALERT: Regent University will be closed Wednesday, February 19th due to inclement weather.
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Accommodations for Military & Uniformed Public Servants

Regent University recognizes the unique sacrifices and service obligations in place for members of our armed forces and other uniformed public servants. The institution has adopted the following policies to support the educational endeavors of students impacted by qualifying service obligations.

Military & Uniformed Public Service Member Definition

Service members must meet the definition under established federal law 34 CFR § 668.18, which states:

Service in the uniformed services means service, whether voluntary or involuntary, in the Armed Forces, including service by a member of the National Guard or Reserve, on active duty, active duty for training, or full-time National Guard duty under Federal authority, for a period of more than 30 consecutive days under a call or order to active duty of more than 30 consecutive days.

Student Charges & Refund Policies

In instances when a service member stops attending due to a qualifying military or service obligation, Regent University will offer a 100 percent tuition refund upon receipt of an academic petition from the service member documenting proof of the service obligation. Housing charges will be refunded based on a pro-rata schedule as follows:

Months of the SemesterPercent Refunded (Fall/ Spring)Percent Refunded (Summer)

Course Withdraw Grade Policy

In instances when a service member withdraws from in progress coursework due to a qualifying military or service obligation, Regent University will process the drop with no academic penalty to the service member. The student must disclose that the reason for the course withdraw is due to a qualifying service obligation when submitting the Add/Drop form.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Service members who have failed to meet one or more of the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards for their program as a direct result of a service obligation are encouraged to disclose this using the SAP appeal process. Qualifying service obligations are considered extenuating circumstances for purposes of appeal approval. 

Readmission Policy

Service members who have become inactive as a student as a result of service obligations are not required to requalify for admission. The service member will be asked to complete the readmission application, which allows the student to inform the University that their service obligation has now been completed. The information provided within the readmission application assists University support teams in understanding any changes to the student’s educational goals and objectives that have taken place during the student’s absence which are relevant in counseling the student.

Note: Regulatory guidance stipulates that the service member should have no more than 5 years of cumulative absence as long as they provide notice of intent to return within three years following the end of active duty service. As long as the service member returns within this time frame and follows the guidelines they will not have to requalify for admission.

Documentation Policy

Documentation must originate from an official source related to the service member’s obligation and reasonably document the existence of service in a qualifying capacity that aligns with the time period for which the exception in this policy is being provided. Documentation may include but is not limited to the following:

  • Copy of duty orders prepared by the facility where the orders were fulfilled carrying an endorsement indicating completion of the described service.
  • Letter from National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) Team Leader or Administrative Officer verifying dates and times of NDMS training or Federal activation.
  • Letter from the commanding officer of a Personnel Support Activity or someone of comparable authority.
  • Copy of extracts from payroll documents showing periods of service.
  • Certificate of completion from military training school.
  • DD (Department of Defense) 214 Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty.
  • Discharge certificate showing character of service.