Jennifer Ripley, Ph.D.
Hughes Endowed Chair of Christian Thought in Mental Health PracticeProfessorSchool of Psychology & CounselingPsychology Departmentcontact meMore about Jennifer Ripley, Ph.D.Jennifer Ripley, Ph.D.
Dr. Jennifer Ripley is a licensed clinical psychologist in the state of Virginia. She believes the relationships you create in graduate school are the basis for the relational activity of being a psychologist. She shares that the best part about being a professor at Regent is spending time with students in the life-changing experience of doctoral studies, as students learn how to live the life of the Kingdom of Heaven in psychology.
Ripley engages with students in the Charis Institute to promote healthy families in church communities around the world. She and Dr. Sells partner to create, disseminate and evaluate family ministries in partnership with local leaders. Ripley also directs the Hope Project, a long-term clinical research study of the Hope approach to couple therapy, which has seen over 500 couples demonstrating clinical efficacy in various ways with student leadership. Her students learn the Hope approach and provide therapy to couples in the Psy.D. program’s internal clinic, and advanced students are selected to provide supervision.
Ripley has received two competitive Templeton Foundation Grant awards studying Christian marriage counseling. The first, with Dr. Sells, was successful with over $200,000 for a healthy marriage project in China. She was also the principal investigator for a second grant of over $100,000, studying Christian couple counseling in multiple outpatient practices in the United States as part of the big data Bridges project. She has many smaller grants from sources, such as the Moffit Foundation, Huston Foundation and Regent University faculty research grants.
Ripley has published 57 refereed articles and 183 professional refereed conference presentations and has chaired over 50 dissertations (primarily in the integration of psychology and Christianity as it pertains to marriage). She has two published books on Christian marriage for counselors and pastors and one under contract.
Ripley’s book, Hope Focused Marriage Counseling, has wide use. In a survey of over 600 AACC clinical members in 2009, Hook and Worthington found that her book was the most recognized and used approach to Christian couple counseling and enrichment. It was second in preparation for marriage. As early as 2004, this book was identified by Jakubowski et al. as one of four evidence-based couple enrichment programs when comparing all couple enrichment programs, Christian and secular — and many studies and developments have taken place since then. She has been cited over 2,000 times, according to Google scholar, which is a demonstration not only of the capacity to write and publish, but also of the impact of these publications.
In mentoring students, Ripley has co-authored 75% of her publications with students as co-authors, and 78% of her presentations have involved students. Several students have won awards for their conference presentations: one student was awarded the 2018 National Research Award at Christian Association for Psychological Studies, and three of her students won the 2017 Statewide Research Award at Virginia Association for Psychological Studies.
Ripley’s national recognition includes the Recipient of the Distinguished Member Award, Christian Association for Psychological Studies; elected Member at Large for the Society of the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality; selected to serve on both the advisory board and general board of the Continuing Education Committee of the American Psychological Association; a grant reviewer for the Templeton Foundation; editorial board member for Spirituality in Clinical Practice, Journal of Psychology and Christianity, Journal of Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, and Marriage and Family: A Christian Journal.
Additionally, Ripley has edited a special edition of the Journal of Psychology and Christianity. She’s also served as conference chair and track chair for multiple conferences with the American Psychological Association’s Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality and the Christian Association for Psychological Studies.
Ripley is an extrovert who thrives on relationships with students and colleagues. She loves a good theology discussion, wrestling with some of the most difficult issues in Christian integration today, meditative prayer, and analyzing data.
Ph.D. Counseling Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University
M.S. Counseling Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University
B.A. Psychology, Nyack College
Licensure/Certification: Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Ripley, J.S., Sells, J.N. & Chandler, D. (2023, under contract). Ministering to Families in Crisis. Intervarsity Press.
Worthington Jr., E.L. & Ripley, J.S. (2022, under contract). Hope, Forgiveness and Positive Psychology in Couple Therapy. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Ripley, J.S. & Worthington Jr., E.L. (2014). Couples Therapy: A New Hope-Focused Approach. Downers Grove IL: Intervarsity Press.
Sells, J.N. & Ripley, J.S. (2019). Grace and Hope for Marriages. Beijing China: Life Innovations ZDL Press.
Ripley, J.S., Worthington, E.L., Jr., Kent, V., Loewer, E., & Chen, J. (2022). “Spiritually incorporating couple therapy in practice: Christian-accommodated couple therapy as an illustration.” Psychotherapy, 59(3), 382-391.
Worthington Jr., E.L.; Ripley, J. S.; Chen, Z.J.; Kent, V. & Loewer, E. (2024). “Spiritually integrated couple therapy.” In Richards, P S.; Allen, K. & Judd, D.K. (Eds.), Handbook of spiritually integrated psychotherapies. American Psychological Association. In press.
Sells, J.N.; Ripley, J.S.; Frain, D.; Urh, N. & Wray, K. (2022). “The Effectiveness of a Virtue-Based Marital Curriculum to Enhance Intimate Partner Relationality.” Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 40, 317-328.
Ripley, J.; Solfelt, L.; Ord, A.; Garthe, R.C.; Worthington Jr., E.L. & Channing, T. (2021). “Short- and Long-term outcomes of hope focused coupler therapy.” Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1037/scp0000286
Ripley, J.S; Sells, J.N.; Miller, V.; Wang, Q.; Wen, L.; Pui Ting, C. & Worthington Jr., E.L. (2020) “Promoting healthy marriages in Chinese church communities: Survey of Chinese couples’ marriages, virtue-based training for leaders, and outcomes.” The Family Journal, 28, 319-328.
Neff, M.A.; Peterson, M.A.; McMinn, M.R.; Kuhnhausen, B.A.; Dunkerley, J.; Tisdale, T.C.; Strewn, B.; Davis, E.B.; Worthington Jr., E.L.; Hall, E.L. & Ripely, J.S. (2020). “Re-imagining integration: Student and faculty perspectives on integration training at Christian doctoral programs.” Journal of Psychology and Theology, 49, 67-84.
Ripley, J. S.; Worthington Jr., E.L.; Garthe, R.C.; Davis, D.E.; Hook, J.N.; Reid, C.A.; Van Tongeren, D.R.; Voltmer, A.; Nontereh, C.W.; Cowden, R.G.; Cotzer-Liversage, A.; Cairo, A.; Joynt, S. & Akpalu, B. (2018). “Trait forgiveness and dyadic adjustment predict postnatal depression.” Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27, 2185-2192. With funding by Fetzer Institute (#2266, Forgiveness and Relational Spirituality) and John Templeton Foundation (#14979, Relational Humility; # 48321, Behavioral Measures of Humility in Couples).
Worthington Jr., E.L; Sandage, S.J. & Ripley, J.S. (2018). “Strategies to facilitate forgiveness: REACH forgiveness model.” In John Thomas (Ed.) Counseling Techniques. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.
Dwiwardani, C.; Ord, A.S.; Fennell, M.; Eaves, D.; Ripley, J.S.; Perkins, A.; Sells, J.; Worthington Jr., E.L.; Davis, D.E.; Hook, J.N.; Garthe, R.C.; Reid, C.A. & Van Tongeren, D.R. (2018) “Spelling HUMBLE with U and ME: The role of humility in romantic relationships.” Journal of Positive Psychology, 13, 449-459.
Worthington Jr., E.L.; Ripley, J.S.; Davis, D.E. & Wood, B.T. (2017). “Forgiveness.” In David Leeming (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion. New York: Springer.
Worthington Jr., E.L.; Sandage, S.J. & Ripley, J.S. (2017). “Strategies to facilitate forgiveness: REACH forgiveness model.” In John Thomas (Ed.) Counseling Techniques. Grand Rapids MI: Zondervan.
Dwiwardani, C.; Ord, A.S.; Fennell, M.; Eaves, D.; Ripley, J.S.; Perkins, A.; Sells, J.; Worthington Jr., E.L.; Davis, D.E.; Hook, J.N.; Garthe, R.C.; Reid, C.A. & Van Tongeren, D.R. (2017). “Spelling HUMBLE with U and ME: The role of humility in romantic relationships.” Journal of Positive Psychology, 12, 1-11.
Ripley, J.S., Garthe, R.C., Perkins, A., Worthington, E.L, Jr, Davis, D.E., Hook, J.N., Reid, C., Van Tongeren, D.R., Dwiwardani, C., Ord, A., Fennell, M. & Eaves, D., (2016). “Perceived partner humility predicts subjective stress during transition to parenthood.” Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 5, 157-167.
Ord, A., S., Ripley, J.S, Hook, J. & Erspamer, T. (2016). “Teaching statistics in APA-Accredited doctoral program in clinical and counseling psychology: A syllabi review.” Teaching of Psychology, 43, 221-226.
Yarhouse, M.A.; Atkinson, A.; Doolin, H. & Ripley, J.S. (2015). “A longitudinal study of forgiveness and post-disclosure experience in mixed orientation couples.” American Journal of Family Therapy, 43, 138-150.
Worthington Jr., E.L.; Berry, J.W.; Hook, J.N.; Davis, D.E.; Scherer, M.; Griffin, B.J.; Wade, N.; Yarhouse, M.A; Ripley, J.S; Miller, A.J.; Sharp, C.; Canter, D. & Campana, K.L. (2015). "Forgiveness-reconciliation and communication-conflict-resolution interventions versus retested controls in early married couples." Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62, 14-27. doi:10.1037/cou0000045
Ord, A.S.; Ripley, J.S.; Hook, J. & Erspamer, T. (2015). "Statistics in APA-Accredited Doctoral Programs in Clinical and Counseling Psychology: A Syllabi Review." Teaching of Psychology, in press.
Yarhouse, M.A.; Atkinson, A.; Doolin, H. & Ripley, J.S. (2015). "A longitudinal study of forgiveness and post-disclosure experience in mixed orientation couples." American Journal of Family Therapy, 43, 138-150. doi:10.1080/01926187.2014.956628
Kays, J.L.; Yarhouse, M.A. & Ripley, J. S. (2014). "Relationship factors and quality among mixed-orientation couples." Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 40, 512-528. doi:10.1080/0092623X.2013.788107
Ripley, J.S.; Leon, C.; Worthington Jr., E.L.; Berry, J.; Davis, E.; Smith, A.; Atkinson, A. & Sierra, T. (2014). "Efficacy of Religion-accommodative Strategic Hope-Focused Theory applied to couples therapy." Couple & Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 3, 83-98.
Garzon, F.; Hall, E. & Ripley, J.S. (2014). "Teaching integration in Psychology and Counseling courses." Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 42, 131-135.
Ripley, J.S. & Dwiwardani, C. (2014). "Integration of Christianity in research and statistics courses." Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 42, 220-227.
Yarhouse, M.A.; Kays, J.L.; Poma, H.; Atkinson, A. & Ripley, J. (2014). "Characteristics of mixed orientation couples: An empirical study." Edification.
Ripley, J.S.; Bekker, C.; Yarhouse, M.A.; Jackson, L.; Kays J. & Lane, C. (2014). "Spiritual formation training in Regent University’s doctoral program." Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 32, 320-328.
Worthington Jr., E.L.; Berry, J.; Hook, J.N.; Davis, D.E.; Ripley, J.S. & Greer, C. (2014). "Psychotherapy with mainline Protestants." In Allen and Bergin (Eds.)., Handbook of psychotherapy and religious diversity. Washington, D.C.: APA Press.
Ripley, J.S.; Bekker, C.J.; Yarhouse, M.A.; Jackson, L.D.; Kays, J. & Lane, C.R. (2013). "Spiritual formation training at Regent University's Psychology Doctoral Program." Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 32, 320-329.
Ripley, J.S.; Maclin, V.; Hook, J.N. & Worthington Jr., E.L. (2013). "The Hope focused couples approach to counseling and enrichment." In J. Aten (Ed.)., Evidence based practices for Christian counseling and psychotherapy. Downers Grove IL: Intervarsity Press.
Ripley, J.S. & Yarhouse, M.A. (2012). "Mentoring Psy.D. students in meaningful research." Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 31, 308-313.
Ripley, J.S.; Sandage, S.J. & Worthington Jr., E.L. (2012). "Ethics in couples therapy.” In R. Sanders (Ed.), Christian counseling ethics: A handbook for therapists, pastors and counselors. Downers Grove IL: Intervarsity Press.
Ripley, J.S. (2012). "Integration of Psychology and Christianity: 2022." Journal of Psychology and Theology, 40, 150-154.
Kim, L.M.; Johnson, J.L. & Ripley, J.S. (2011). "A 'perfect' storm: Perfectionism, forgiveness and marital satisfaction." Individual Differences Research, 9, 199-209.
Hook, J.N.; Worthington Jr., E.L.; Ripley, J.S. & Davis, D.E. (2011). "Christian approaches for helping couples: Review of empirical research and recommendations for clinicians." Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 30, 213-222.
Olson, L; Johnson, J.L.; Ripley, J.S. & Hathaway, W. (2011). "Clinical training in integrative Christian doctoral programs: The Regent University example." Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 30, 128-136.
Ripley, J.S.; Worthington Jr., E.L. & Maclin, V.L. (2011). "Hope focused couples case." In D. Carson & M. Casado-Kehoe (Eds.), Case studies in couple therapy: Theory based approaches. Oxford: England, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.
Ripley, J.S. (2010). "Living the legacy: A letter to my students." In G. Moriarty (Ed.). Integration journeys: 12 Psychologists tell their stories. Downers Grove IL: Intervarsity Press.
Worthington Jr., E.L.; Berry, J.W.; Miller, A.J; Sharp, C.B.; Canter, D.E.; Hook, J.N.; Davis, D.E.; Scherer, M.; Campana, K.L.; Wade, N.G.; Yarhouse, M.A. & Ripley, J.S. (2010). "Forgiveness-reconciliation and communication-conflict-resolution interventions versus retested controls in early married couples." Under revision for resubmission.
Worthington Jr., E.L.; Hook, J.; Davis, D. & Ripley, J.S. (2009). "Empirically supported Christian treatments for counseling." Christian Counseling Today.
Ripley, J.S.; Garzon, F.L.; Hall, E.L.; Mangis, M.W. & Murphy, C.J. (2009). "Pilgrims’ Progress: Faculty and University Factors in Graduate Student Integration of Faith and Profession." Invited for submission to Journal of Psychology & Theology special issue on integration edited by Fernando Garzon. Journal of Psychology & Theology, 37.
Hall, E.L., Ripley, J.S., Garzon, F.L., & Mangis, M.W. (2009). "The other side of the podium: Student perspectives on learning integration." Invited for submission to Journal of Psychology & Theology special issue on integration edited by Fernando Garzon. Journal of Psychology & Theology, 37.
Hathaway, W. & Ripley, J.S. (2009). "Ethical concerns around spirituality and religion in clinical practice." In J. Aten & M. Leach (Eds.). Spirituality and the therapeutic process: A comprehensive resource from intake to termination. APA Books: Washington. D.C.
Worthington Jr., E.L.; Ripley, J.S.; Hook, J. & Miller, A. (2007). "The hope focused approach to couple therapy and enrichment." Invited special issue of the Journal of Psychology and Christianity on Christian interventions in counseling and psychotherapy edited by Siang Yang Tan and Donald Walker. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 26, 132-139.
Ripley, J.S.; Jackson, L.; Tatum, R. & Davis, W. (2007). "A developmental model of supervisee spiritual and religious development." Invited for special issue of Journal of Psychology and Christianity on supervision edited by Michael Mangis and Jamie Aten. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 26, 298-306.
Worthington Jr., E.L.; Ripley, J.S.; Davis, D.E. & Wood, B.T. (2007). "Forgiveness." In D. Leeming & K. Madden (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion.
Worthington Jr., E.L.; Ripley, J.S.; Hook, J.N.; Miller, A.J. & Crawford, S. (2007). "Why is the hope focused couple approach effective?" Marriage and Family A Christian Journal.
Worthington Jr., E.L.; Ripley, J.S.; Hook, J.N. & Miller, A.J. (2007). "Hope focused marriage approach: Repairing and maintaining the emotional bond." In T. Clinton & G. Ohlschlager (Eds.). Caring for people God’s way in marriage and family life. AACC.
Papers Presented at International Conferences
Ripley, J.S, & Sells, J.N. (2022, August). Religious and spiritual competencies in couple and family therapy. Presented at Templeton Foundation meeting of Spiritual and Religious Competencies Project. Stetson University, DeLand, Florida.
Frain, D.; Ripley, J.S. & Stephens, R. (2022, August). Shame as a mediator between negative faith community reactions to sexual assault disclosure and psychological outcomes. Presented at American Psychological Association Convention, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Olvera, G.; Lipp, I. & Ripley, J. (2022, March). Addressing the needs of minority couples in Hope Focused counseling. Presented at Christian Association for Psychological Studies National conference. Digital presentation due to coronavirus.
Pacious, G. & Ripley, J. (2022, March). Literature review on couples interventions for chronic pain individuals show mixed outcomes in relationship satisfaction. Presented at Christian Association for Psychological Studies National conference. Digital presentation due to coronavirus.
Woudstra, K.; Ripley, J.S.; Worthington Jr., E.L.; Garthe, R.; Davis, D.E.; Hook, J.N.; Reid, C. & Van Tongeren, D. (2021, August). Attachment to partner and relational commitment during the transition to parenthood. Presented at the American Psychological Association conference, digital presentation due to coronavirus.
Ripley, J.S.; Kent, V.; Loewer, E.; Worthington Jr., E.L. & Chen, J. (2021, March). Clinical Trends in Working with Religious Couples in Therapy: A Final Report from the Bridges Study, presented at Christian Association for Psychological Studies National conference, digital presentation due to coronavirus.
Ripley, J.S.; Solfelt, L.; Ord, A.; Garthe, R.; Channing, T. & Worthington Jr., E.L. (2021, March). What 12 years of Running a Hope Focused Couples Lab Taught Us about Effective Couple Therapy. Presented at Christian Association for Psychological Studies National conference, digital presentation due to coronavirus.
Page, C.; Wang, D.; Jones, H.; Girguis, S.; Seegobin, W. & Ripley, J.S. (2021, March). Engaging students in Black Lives Matter and civil rights: A panel discussion. Presented at Christian Association for Psychological Studies National conference, digital presentation due to coronavirus.
Ripley, J.S & Sells, J.N. (2021, March). Using community strategies to improve marriage: Counseling, psychology, and church collaborations. Presented at Christian Association for Psychological Studies National conference, digital presentation due to coronavirus.
Waldheim, D.; Ripley, J.S. & Hall, C. (2021, March). Predicting couple satisfaction from relational humility, forgiveness from God, emotional forgiveness, and self-forgiveness. Presented at Christian Association for Psychological Studies National conference, digital presentation due to coronavirus.
CAPS National Conference, Volunteer Coordinator, 2017-18
Marriage, Family Sexuality and Child track coordinator for Christian Association of Psychological Studies, 2009-15
APA – Division 36, Program Chair, 2006; 2010
CAPS – East, Conference Chair, 2003; 2004
Christian Association for Psychological Studies, 1996-present; Elected Regional Board Member, 2000-07; Elected National Board Member, 2005-07
American Psychological Association, Division Memberships: Psychology of Religion, Family Psychology, Groups, 1992-present
American Group Psychotherapy Association, 2000-04
Christian Association for Psychological Studies- Eastern Region, elected Student Board, 1996-98
American Association for Christian Counselors, 1998-2004
Society for Teaching in Psychology, 1998-2000
Graduate Student Representative to the faculty graduate student committee, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1997
Counseling Psychology Student Association, Virginia Commonwealth, 1994-99
Founding President, Student Psychological Association, Nyack College, 1991-93
Winning Graduate Paper: Cain, H.; Noble, C.; Perkins, A.; Ripley, J.S. & Worthington Jr., E.L. “Predicting post-natal stress from virtues, empathy and partner attachment.” Presented at VAPS Conference, 2017.
Outstanding Graduate Student Paper: Kemper, J.S & Ripley, J.S. “Marriage Enrichment Program for local churches: A within subjects outcome study.” Presented at the National Christian Association for Psychological Studies, St. Petersburg, Florida, 2004.
Winning Graduate Paper: Ripley, J. & Worthington Jr., E.L. Marital Power, Contracts and Covenants: Review of the Literature and Scale Development. National Convention for the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, 1998.
Award for Excellence in Research: Paper presented at the Eastern Regional Meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, 1998.
Virginia Commonwealth University’s Department of Psychology selected for department's submission to the American Psychological Association's Dissertation Awards, 1998.
John Hill Award for Family and Adolescent Research, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1998.
Winning Paper: Ripley, J. & Worthington Jr., E.L. “Marital Social Values Scale Development.” Paper presented at the Virginia Commonwealth University Psychology Paper Competition, 1998.
Best Data-Based Research Presentation: Worthington Jr., E.L.; Hight, T.L.; Ripley, J.S.; Perrone, K.M.; Kurusu, T.A. & Jones, D.R. “Hope-focused couple enrichment: Practice and research.” Paper presented at the National meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, 1997.
Winning Graduate Paper: Ripley, J. & Worthington Jr., E.L. “Marital Power: What is it for?” Paper presented at the Eastern Regional Meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, 1997.
Honorable Mention Paper: Ripley, J.S., & Worthington Jr., E.L. “Christian marriage counseling: A review of the literature.” Virginia Commonwealth University Psychology Paper Competition, 1996.
Winning Paper: Figueredo, M.; Fries, E. & Ripley, J. “Stereotypes of low-fat eaters by African Americans.” Virginia Commonwealth University Psychology Paper Competition, 1996.
Nyack Honor Society, Nyack College, 1993.
Alpha Chi National Honor Society, Nyack College, 1993
Nyack Merit Award Honoree for service to the college community, Nyack College, 1993.