Erin Morrow Hawley
Erin Morrow Hawley serves as senior counsel to the appellate team at Alliance Defending Freedom and senior legal fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum. Hawley has formerly practiced appellate law at several large law firms, litigating extensively before the U.S. Supreme Court. She also worked at the Department of Justice, serving as counsel to Attorney General Michael Mukasey.
As an academic, Hawley served as an associate professor of law at the University of Missouri. She also taught constitutional law as a senior fellow at the Kinder Institute for Constitutional Democracy. Her scholarship focuses primarily on federal courts and has been published in numerous top journals.
Hawley is a frequent commentator on legal issues. Her work has been featured in World Magazine, USA Today, Fox News, the Washington Examiner, the Legal Times, and the Hill, among others. Hawley has also written a book on motherhood, entitled “Living Beloved: Lessons From My Little Ones About the Heart of God.”
Hawley is a former law clerk to U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts and Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III of the Fourth Circuit. Hawley received her bachelor’s degree in Animal Science from Texas A&M University and her law degree from Yale Law School.