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Paul Carr, Ed.D.
ProfessorEducational Psychology Program Director and Concentration ChairMore about Paul Carr, Ed.D.

Paul Carr, Ed.D.


Dr. Paul Carr joined Regent University as an assistant professor of higher education administration in the School of Education in July 2000. He came from The George Washington University where he was director of the Higher Education Administration Master’s and Education Specialist programs. Dr. Carr held several positions with The George Washington University including: director of special projects, director of off-campus technology, and research assistant for Dr. Gary Confessore and Dr. Reynolds Ferrante. Additionally, he taught master’s and doctoral level courses in the Educational Technology Leadership Program, Educational Leadership Program, Human Resource Development Program and Engineering Management Program.

Carr is a member of Sigma Tau Delta and a founding fellow of Beta Phi (GWU Chapter). A native of Norfolk, Virginia, Carr attended Virginia Wesleyan College and earned a B.A. in English with minors in art and religious studies. He then earned an M.A. in Education and Human Development with a concentration in Human Resource Development and a Doctor of Education degree in Higher Education Administration at The George Washington University. His research interests include autonomous learning, human resource development, and organizational leadership.

Dr. Carr is the Educational Psychology program director and concentration chair for the following degree programs:
Ed.D. – Educational Psychology
Ed.S. in Educational Leadership – Educational Psychology
Ph.D. in Education – Educational Psychology


Ed.D. The George Washington University in Higher Education Administration M.A. The George Washington University in Education and Human Development (HRD) B.A. Virginia Wesleyan College in English and Religious Studies


Refereed Journal Articles

Sass, W., Winston, B., Carr, P.; & Winner, D. (2017). The role of learner autonomy in avoiding leader derailment. Leadership & Organization Development.

Ponton, M. K., & Carr, P. B. (2016). The possible role of higher education in developing learner autonomy: A quantitative exploration. International Journal of Self-Directed Learning, 13(1), 12-25.

Ponton, M. K., Carr, P. B., & Wiggers, N. R. (2015). Self-efficacy to do or self-efficacy to learn to do: A study related to perseverance. International Journal of Self-Directed Learning, 11(1), Available: [On-Line]

Ponton, M. K., & Carr, P. B. (2013). Autonomous learning and triadic reciprocal causation: A theoretical discussion. The International Journal of Self-Directed Learning (IJSDL): Vol 9, Number 1. SDL Global Publishers.

Ponton, M., Carr, P. B., Schuette, C., Confessore, G., (2011). Self-efficacy and the learner autonomy profile. The International Journal of Self-Directed Learning (IJSDL): Vol 7, Number 2. SDL Global Publishers.

Carr, P., Derrick, G., Clay, C (2009). Learner Centered Leadership: A Pragmatic Approach to Empowering Learners. Caribbean Area Network for Quality Assurance in Tertiary Education (CANQATE) Journal.

Derrick, M. G., Rovai, A. P., Ponton, M. K., Confessore, G. J., & Carr, P. B. (2007). An examination of the relationship of gender, marital status, and prior educational attainment and learner autonomy. Educational Research and Review, 2(1), 1-8.

Derrick, M. G., Rovai, A. P., Ponton, M. K., Confessore, G. J., & Carr, P. B. (2006). An examination of the relationship of gender, marital status, and prior educational attainment and learner autonomy. Educational Research and Review, Vol 1, (9).

Ponton, M. K., Derrick, M. G., Hall, J. M., Rhea, N. E., & Carr, P. B. (2005). The relationship between self- efficacy and autonomous learning: The development of new instrumentation. International Journal of Self- Directed Learning, 2(1), 50-61. Available:

Derrick, M. G., Ponton, M. K., & Carr, P. B. (2005). Enhancing and facilitating self-efficacious behaviors in distance learning environments. New Horizons in Adult Education, 19(3), 4-11. Available:

Derrick, M. G., Ponton, M. K., & Carr, P. B. (2005). A preliminary analysis of learner autonomy in online and face-to-face settings. International Journal of Self-Directed Learning, 2(1), 62-70. Available:

Ponton, M. K., Derrick, M. G., & Carr, P. B. (2005). The relationship between resourcefulness and persistence in adult autonomous learning. Adult Education Quarterly, 55(2), 116-128.

Ponton, M. K., Carr, P. B., & Derrick, M. G. (2004). A path analysis of the conative factors associated with autonomous learning. International Journal of Self-Directed Learning, 1(1), 59-69. Available:

Ponton, M. K., & Carr, P. B. (2000). Understanding and promoting autonomy in self-directed learning. Current Research in Social Psychology, 5(19). Available:

Ponton, M. K., & Carr, P. B. (1999). A quasi-linear behavioral model and an application to self-directed learning (NASA Technical Memorandum 209094). Hampton, VA: NASA Langley Research Center.

Other Refereed Publications

Carr Paul B., & Tucker, Paula A. (December 2009). Developing Emotional Intelligence: An Interpersonal process in Leadership Positions. MBA Review. The ICFAI University Press, Panjagutta, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.

Carr, Paul B. & Tucker, Paula A. (November 2009). Change Management: A Perspective of Organizational Behaviors in Times of Change and Crisis in Global Organizations. HRM Review. The ICFAI University Press, Panjagutta,Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.

Tucker, Paula A. & Carr, P. B. (September 2009). Empowering Women: Propositions for Understanding and Promoting Women in Leadership Positions in the Global Organization. HRM Review. The ICFAI University Press, Panjagutta,Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.

Lamb, William & Carr, P. B. (July 2009). Marketing in a Downturn: Leadership Strategies. Effective Executive, Vol. XII, No. 7. The ICFAI University Press.

Carr, P. B. & Derrick, M. G. (April 2009). Managing Troubled Times or Leading: The Role of Leadership for the Effective Executive. Effective Executive, The ICFAI University Press.

Derrick, M. G. & Carr, P. B. (April 2009). Human Resource Development: Challenges of the 21st century. HRM Review, The ICFAI University Press.

Carr, P. (April 2009). Global Talent Crunch: A Leadership Perspective. The Analyst. The ICFAI University Press, Panjagutta, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad-34 (ISSN:0972-5083).

Derrick, M. G., Coe, J. G., & Carr, P. B. (February 2009). Entrepreneur Education and Learning. MBA Review, The ICFAI University Press.

Carr, P. & Rittle, D. (Feb 2009). Talent Management through Leadership: Some Profound Considerations for the Human Resources Practitioner. In Sharavani, B. (Ed) Global Talent Management-New Perspectives. Icfai University press.

Derrick, M. G., & Carr. P. B. (December 2008). Global learning and education for the 21st century. HRM Review. The ICFAI University Press, pp. 16-19.

Crowther, S., & Carr, P. (October 2008). Organizational Learning and Organizational Leadership: Some Paramount Considerations for the Global CEO. Global CEO.

Carr, P. & Rittle, D. C. (September 2008). Talent Management or Leadership: Some Profound Considerations for the Human Resources Practitioner. HRM Review Vol VIII, Issue IX.

Gillerlain, K., & Carr, P. (September 2008). Strategic Blunders are Not Necessarily Failures: Perspectives of Organizational Failures for The Effective Executive. Effective Executive. Vol. XI, No. 9.

Riesenmy, K., & Carr, P. (August 2008). Mergers and Acquisitions: Some Paramount Concerns for The Human Resource Development Practitioner. HRM Review Vol VIII, Issue VIII.

Dingman, M., & Carr, P. (June 2008). Leadership to Turn Your Organization into a Knowledge-Creating Powerhouse: Implications for Creating and Transferring Knowledge for The Effective Executive. Effective Executive. Vol. XI, No. 5.

Hartsfield, M. & Carr, P. (June 2008). Attrition as a Human Resource Challenge. In Dharmesh Mishra (Ed.). Changing Roles of a Human Resource Manager. ICFAI Business School Press, Pune, India.

Rittle, D. C., & Carr, P. (April 2008). Foremost Considerations for Effective Leadership in Diversified Top Management Teams. Global CEO.

Rittle, D., & Carr, P. (April 2008). Private Labels: A Narrative Inquiry of Leader Perspectives. Effective Executive. Vol. XI, No. 4.

Carr, P. (March 2008). Academic Decorum and E-Conservation: Some Paramount Considerations for the Academy. E-News, vol. 8. Issue 3. Regent University, Center for Teaching and Learning. On-Line [available];

Carr, P. & Hartsfield, M. (March 2008). Attrition as an HR Challenge: Paramount Considerations for the Global Human Resources Practitioner. HRM Review Vol VIII, Issue III.

Waddell, J., & Carr, P. (February 2008). Conflict and Collaboration: Leadership Perspectives for The Global Effective Executive. Effective Executive Vol. XI No. 3.

Carr, P. B. (January 2008). The Defining Moments of Global Companies: Perspectives of a Global Thinker Regarding Leadership. Effective Executive Special Issue (cover story) – Vol. XI, No. 1.

Patterson, K., Dingman, M, & Carr, P. (December 2007). The 21st Century Global Organization: The People Factor. Effective Executive Vol. X, No. 12.

Waddell, J., & Carr, P. (December 2007). Who Benefits From Work-Life Balance: Paramount Considerations for the Global HRM Practitioner. HRM Review Special Edition .

Rittle, D., & Carr, P. (November 2007). Global Entrepreneurs in Small to Medium Enterprises: A Narrative Inquiry of Paramount Consideration for The Global CEO. Global CEO. Vol Viii Issue 9.

Carr, P. (October 2007). A Qualitative Inquiry for Global Leadership: Perceptions of The China Factor. Effective Executive Vo. X, No. 11.

Carr, P., & Hartsfield, M. (October 2007). The Socially Intelligent Leader: Executive Leadership and Learning Organizations. Effective Executive Vol. IX, No. 10.

Patterson, K., Dingman, M., & Carr, P. (September 2007). Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Leadership. Effective Executive Vol. IX, No. 9.

Carr, P. & Hartsfield, M. (September 2007). Developing Human Assets or Managing Processes: What is the Source of Sustained Organizational Effectiveness? HRM Review.

Carr, P., & Longbotham, G. (July 2007). Executive Pay Differences: A Narrative Inquiry Reflecting Cross- Industry Perspectives for the Global Effective Executive. Effective Executive Vol. X, No. 8.

Patterson, K., Dingman, M., & Carr, P. (June, 2007). Globalization and Women Executives: Breaking the Barriers? Effective Executive Vol. X, No. 7. ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad: India.

Carr, P. & Hartsfield, M. (May 2007). Effective Leadership: A Narrative Research Endeavor Related to Long- Term Organizational Success. Global CEO, ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad: India.

Jacobs, G., & Carr, P. (May 2007). Leading Change in the Face of Failure: Paramount Considerations for the Effective Executive. Effective Executive Vol. IX, No. 6. ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad: India.

Carr, P., & Coe, James. (May 2007). Leadership and The Family Business: Areas of consideration for the Effective Executive. Effective Executive Vol. IX, No. 5. ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad: India.

Carr, P., & Hartsfield, M. (April 2007). Leadership in Learning Organizations: Situations that May Enhance Learning in Organizations for the Global CEO. Global CEO: ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad: India.

Patterson, K., Dingman, M., & Carr, P. (April, 2007). Corporate Entrepreneurship: The Role of Leadership and Top Management. Effective Executive Vol. IX, No. 4. ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad: India.

Dingman, M., Patterson, K. & Carr, P. (March 2007). Multicultural Teams and Superior Performance: The Role of Leadership for The Effective Executive. Effective Executive l Vol. IX, No. 3. ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad: India.

Carr, P. B., Patterson, K. & Dingman, M. (February 2007). The Role of Leadership in Talent Management: Avenues for Consideration for the Effective Executive. Effective Executive Vol. IX, No. 2. ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad: India.

Carr, P. B. (January 2007). Perspectives of Good and Bad Companies: A Qualitative Inquiry Into the Attributes of What Makes Companies Good or Bad. Effective Executive Vol. IX, No. 1. ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad: India.

Carr, P. B. (December 2006). Why and When Does it Make Sense To Go Global: Avenues of Consideration for the Effective Executive. Effective Executive Vol. VIII, No. 12. ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad: India.

Carr, P. B. (November 2006). Innovation and Nurturing Creativity: New Avenues for Creating Environments Conducive to Autonomous Learning. Effective Executive Vol. VIII, No. 11. ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad: India.

Carr, P. B. (October 2006). Nurturing leadership talent: Creating environments conducive to autonomous learning. Effective Executive Vol. VIII, No. 10. ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad: India.

Ponton, M. K., & Carr, P. B. (2002). The development of instrumentation that measures an adult's intention to exhibit initiative and resourcefulness in autonomous learning. In H. B. Long & Associates (Eds.), Twenty- first century advances in self-directed learning (pp. 223-241). Schaumburg, IL: Motorola University Press.

Ponton, M. K., Carr, P. B., & Confessore, G. J. (2000). Learning conation: A psychological perspective of personal initiative and resourcefulness. In H. B. Long & Associates (Eds.), Practice & theory in self- directed learning (pp. 65-82). Schaumburg, IL: Motorola University Press.

Carr, P. B. (1999). The measurement of Resourcefulness Behaviors in the Adult Autonomous Learner (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI )

Ponton, M. K., & Carr, P. B. (1999). A quasi-linear behavioral model and an application to self-directed learning (NASA Technical Memorandum 209094). Hampton, VA: NASA Langley Research Center.


Ponton, M. K.; & Carr, P. B. (2016). Autonomous and Self-Directed Learning: Agentic Perspectives. Virginia Beach, VA: Water Tree.

Carr, P. B., & Ponton, M. K. (In Process). Treat Your Employees Like A Dog: Leadership Lessons from Man's Best Friend. Chicago: Discovery Association Publishing House.

Chapters & Proceedings Entries

Carr, P.B. (2019). Being a human being: Relating to other human beings. In Malangwasira, Teddie, Leading In A Diverse Environment: Steps to Effective Growth, Inclusion, and Development in Your Organization. New York: Aviva Publishing.

Carr, P. B. (March 2018). Androgogy, leadership and autonomous learning: Forward. In Peltz, D, & Clemons, (Eds) Multicultural androgogy for transformative learning (pp 3-7). IGI Global Publishers.

Ponton, M. K., & Carr, P. B. (2016). A quasi-linear behavioral model and an application to self-directed learning. In M. K. Ponton & P. B. Carr (Eds.), Autonomous and self-directed learning: Agentic perspectives (pp. 1-15). Chesapeake, VA: Watertree Press.

Ponton, M. K., & Carr, P. B. (2016). Autonomous learning and triadic reciprocal causation: A theoretical discussion. In M. K. Ponton & P. B. Carr (Eds.), Autonomous and self-directed learning: Agentic perspectives (pp. 79-90). Chesapeake, VA: Watertree Press.

Ponton, M. K., & Carr, P. B. (2016). Understanding and promoting autonomy in self-directed learning. In M. K. Ponton & P. B. Carr (Eds.), Autonomous and self-directed learning: Agentic perspectives (pp. 17-31). Chesapeake, VA: Watertree Press.

Ponton, M. K., Carr, P. B., & Derrick, M. G. (2016). A path analysis of the conative factors associated with autonomous learning. In M. K. Ponton & P. B. Carr (Eds.), Autonomous and self-directed learning: Agentic perspectives (pp. 107-120). Chesapeake, VA: Watertree Press.

Ponton, M. K., Carr, P. B., Schuette, C. T., & Confessore, G. J. (2016). Self-efficacy and the Learner Autonomy Profile. In M. K. Ponton & P. B. Carr (Eds.), Autonomous and self-directed learning: Agentic perspectives (pp. 193-205). Chesapeake, VA: Watertree Press.

Ponton, M. K., Carr, P. B., & Wiggers, N. R. (2016). Self-efficacy to do or self-efficacy to learn to do: A study related to perseverance. In M. K. Ponton & P. B. Carr (Eds.), Autonomous and self-directed learning: Agentic perspectives (pp. 151-166). Chesapeake, VA: Watertree Press.

Ponton, M. K., Derrick, M. G., & Carr, P. B. (2016). The relationship between resourcefulness and persistence in adult autonomous learning. In M. K. Ponton & P. B. Carr (Eds.), Autonomous and self-directed learning: Agentic perspectives (pp. 121-136). Chesapeake, VA: Watertree Press.

Ponton, M. K., Derrick, M. G., Hall, J. M., Rhea, N. E., & Carr, P. B. (2016). The relationship between self- efficacy and autonomous learning: The development of new instrumentation. In M. K. Ponton & P. B. Carr (Eds.), Autonomous and self-directed learning: Agentic perspectives (pp. 167-183). Chesapeake, VA: Watertree Press.

Lane, M., Carr, P. & Patterson, K., (2012). Soccer Tactics and Complexity Leadership. In J. Barbour & G. Burgess & L. Lid Falkman & R. McManus, Leading in Complex Worlds. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass/Wiley.

Carr, Paul B. (2011). Learner Centered Leadership: A Practical Approach to Facilitating Learning in Organizations. In F. Gandolfi (ed.) Foundations of Contemporary Leadership, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken.

Carr, P. (July 2009). Resourcefulness In practice: Resourcefulness Behaviors and A Comment on organizational leadership. In Derrick, G., & Ponton, M. (Eds.) Current Thinking In Self-Directed Learning. Discovery Association:Chicago. ISBN: 1-931967-13-X.

Carr, P., & Patterson, K. (2008). Attrition Management: Some Paramount Considerations for Strategy and Intervention. In A. J. Wagh (Ed.) Attrition Management. VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur (UP).

Hartsfield, M. & Carr, P. (July 2008). Developing Human Assets or Managing Processes: What is the Source of Sustained Organizational Effectiveness? In Reddy (Ed.). ICFAI Research Center, Hyderabad, India.

Patterson, K., Carr, P. & Dingman, M. (July 2008). Globalization and Women Executives: Breaking the Barriers? In Jegadeesan (Ed.). Working Women: A Paradigm Shift. ICFAI Business School Press, Chennai, India.

Hartsfield, M., & Carr, P. (2008). The Socially Intelligent Leader: Executive Leadership and Learning Organisations. In Icfai University Press on Soft Skills for Leaders. ICFAI University Press, Stellar Sphinx Nagarjuna Hills, Punjagutta Hyderabad-82.

Carr, P. B. (December 2006). The little engine that did: Lessons in autonomous learning. North American Adult Educator: Phyllis M. Cunningham Archive of Quintessential Autobiographies for the Twenty-First Century. Discovery Association:Chicago.

Carr, P. B., & Ponton, M. K. (2003). The e-learning instructor: Creator of colleagial environments and facilitator of autonomous learning. In G. M. Piskurich (Ed.), Preparing learners for e-learning (pp. 139- 153). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Ponton, M. K., & Carr, P. B. (2002). The development of instrumentation that measures an adult's intention to exhibit initiative and resourcefulness in autonomous learning. In H. B. Long & Associates (Eds.), Twenty- first century advances in self-directed learning (pp. 223-241). Schaumburg, IL: Motorola University Press.

Ponton, M. K., Carr, P. B., & Confessore, G. J. (2000). Learning conation: A psychological perspective of personal initiative and resourcefulness. In H. B. Long & Associates (Eds.), Practice & theory in self- directed learning (pp. 65-82). Schaumburg, IL: Motorola University Press.


Institutional Review Board


Recipient of The Gary J. Confessore Award for Significant Contributions to the Advancement of Learner Autonomy; Presented at Exeter College of Oxford University. March 10th, 2010.

Recipient of The Union Nacional de Juristas Jose Marti Award presented by Dr. Delio Carreras Cuevas; Historiador Oficial de la Universidad de la Habana, Cuba. Presented 24 November, 2009 at University of Havana.

Outstanding Facilitator of Learning Award presented at Oxford University, March 2008

SCHEV Rising Star Award for Regent University, 2005

Beta Phi Scholar of The Year, 2003

Regent University School of Education Professor of the Year, 2002