What Degree is Right for Me?
Quick! Decide right here, right now. What do you want to do with the rest of your life? Ever felt pressured to have your career graph mapped out? You’re not alone.
Choosing your school without knowing your major can be stressful. There are influences from every side saying you need to declare a major right away. Somehow, picking a major feels like deciding the course for the rest of your life.
You might feel like you need to know precisely what you want to do with your college degree before you even start college.
Take a deep breath. Before you ask yourself, “What degree should I get?,” consider a few points. Here are some questions to help guide you as you begin.
4 Questions to Ask if You’re Wondering “What Degree is Right for Me?”
1. “What big picture do I need to see first?”
You have a distinct calling on your life. There’s a reason you exist in this location right now. Some people discover their purpose while they’re in college while others have known since sometime in second grade. Others don’t start understanding their purpose until much later in life.
If you have faith, you know that all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. Before you stress about what major you’ll declare, lean into what God has for you and what talents He has given you. Keep in mind that nothing you do can separate you from the purpose you were born to fulfill.
2. “What is my passion?”
Try to think about your life objectively. Take some quiet time and reflect on what you’ve done so far and what you’ve enjoyed. It might help to write down your thoughts. Your passion is not always the same as your talents.
Take some time to think about what you’re good at and what you enjoy. Are you great at memorizing words from other languages? Have you always had a heart for serving others or advocating for their rights? Do you get fired up about the latest political topic? Are you amazing at making plans?
Take note of defining moments in your life where perhaps you felt the most successful. Perhaps the small dreams you’ve had are hints to a much larger plan for your life.
3. “What sort of lifestyle do I want to have?”
You should consider your desired lifestyle when you choose a major. Though choosing a major is not the same as choosing a career, your major can affect what job prospects are available immediately after graduation.
If you don’t like the thought of working long hours and potential overnight shifts, you might have a hard time in the field of medicine. If you don’t like the idea of sitting every day at a desk and working on a computer, you might not like administrative degrees like Accounting or Analytics.
Take a good, unbiased look at the lifestyle of any careers you find interesting. If you find yourself saying “definitely not” to some careers, put the corresponding majors at the bottom of your list for consideration. Part of making the right choice is eliminating what you know you won’t enjoy off the bat.
4. “Do I have the right people in my life to help me make this critical decision?”
Deciding on a degree program is a big decision! No one should have to make the choice alone. If you’re feeling stuck, seek resources to help you learn about various programs.
The college you choose will have people dedicated to helping you get on the right track. Academic advisors can help you clarify your goals and succeed in your college career.
Before prospective students enroll in their first class at Regent University in Virginia Beach, they have guided conversations with the Academic Advising team.
Once students are enrolled, strategy experts from the Regent’s Center for Student Happiness and the Career Services Center will help you walk through your options as you complete your degree.
Whether it’s choosing the degree itself or deciding how to use it in the “real world,” there are countless resources and people dedicated to help.
Are you curious about what degrees you can earn at Regent? Request information today!