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Greg Kame, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Greg Kame, Ph.D.


Dr. Greg Kame serves as an adjunct assistant professor in the School of Divinity. He is an ordained minister with the Southern Baptist Convention, where he also serves as senior pastor of Glen Burnie Baptist Church, Glen Burnie, Maryland. Dr. Kame holds a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from the University of South Africa and an MBA in Organizational Management from Eastern University St. Davis, PA. He also obtained his M.A. in Biblical Studies from WATS (University of Nigeria) and a B.Th. from the Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary.

During his Doctoral studies, Dr. Kame spent a term as a doctoral research fellow at the VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands, where he engaged in extensive research on the Protestant Reformation—visiting several Reformation places in France, Germany, and particularly in Geneva, Switzerland where notable Reformed theologians lived and taught daily. He has also earned continuing education credits from Princeton Theological Seminary as a fellow of the Black Theology and Leadership Institute.

Dr. Kame emigrated from Cameroon to the United States about a decade ago and currently lives in Glen Burnie, Maryland, with his wife and three children.


Organizational Leadership/Management
Church and State Polity
Reformed Theology
Christian Theology


Published Articles

Kame, G., 2022. African Theology in the African Church: The Need for an Evangelical Approach. Publisher: Conspectus: The Journal of the South African Theologica Seminary.

Kame, G. “Intellectual Leadership: The Alternative Leadership Paradigm for Africa's Advancement.” In Perspectives in Thought Leadership for Africa’s Advancement. (Pretoria: South Africa, Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA), 2014) 130-144.

Kame, G. “Multilingualism in African Nation States: Stepping Stones or Stumbling Blocks for Development.” In Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa (Volume 14, No.8, 2012)

Kame, G. & Tshaka, R.S., 2015, “Morality and spirituality: The missing link for economic development in the 21st century”HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 71(3), Art. #2818, 6 pages.

Kame, G. “Intellectual Leadership in Cameroon: A Viable solution to the Anglophone Problem.” Published by African Leadership Magazine, May 2019.

An Evangelical Approach to Doing Theology in Africa: A Case for a Biblio-Centric African Theology. Publisher: Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology (pending)

Published Book

Kame, G. Predestination: An Introduction to Reformed Soteriology. Eugene, OR: Resource Publications, March 2021.

Kame, G. "Writing Well" In Scribes of the Kingdom. Bekker et al. Dubuque: IA, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 67-87, 2022.


Evangelical Theological Society