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Olga B. Moseley, ABD
Instructor, Business, Leadership & Management

Olga B. Moseley, ABD


Olga B. Moseley is an instructor for the College of Arts & Sciences. She earned her B.S. in Business Administration from Elizabeth City State University, North Carolina, and MBA along with a supply chain management certification from East Carolina University, North Carolina. All but her dissertation, she is finishing her Ph.D. in Business with a concentration in Marketing and a minor in International Business at Old Dominion University, where she taught as an adjunct before joining Regent faculty.

Moseley serves as a faculty co-advisor for Regent’s ENACTUS team, which placed second in its league, and ranked in the top 32 teams out of 444 chapters in the 2021 Enactus U.S. Expo and Competition. She recently served on a creative project team with associate librarian Harold Henkel, Professor Shaker Rajasekar, and animation student Karlton “Rick” Weber for the library. The team created seven research resources tutorials to help students identify and utilize relevant library services and databases.

Mosely was born and raised in Russia, in a town on the very border with Ukraine named Belgorod. She shares that she knew she wanted to be an educator since middle school, and God’s plans for her where and what to teach has surpassed her expectations. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two kids, relaxing at the beach, or exploring new places together through spontaneous weekend trips.


Consumer Animosity: New Perspective on Sources of Consumers’ Negative Feelings. Olga Butenko Moseley, Anh Dang, Hangjun Xu. AMA Summer Educators’ Conference 2015, Chicago, IL

Conditional Corporate Philanthropy: Target Markets and Marketing Mix. Anh Dang, Olga Butenko Moseley, Hangjun Xu. AMA Summer Educators’ Conference 2015, Chicago, IL


Cause marketing, corporate social responsibility, country-of-origin effects, and consumer animosity


The official American Marketing Association’s definition of marketing is: “the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. (Approved July 2013, emphasis added). Exchange that creates value for all stakeholders involved is at the heart of marketing. Sadly, it has been misinterpreted, misused and misrepresented by many companies. In my opinion, a Biblically-rooted approach to marketing is not only helpful, but imperative to fully understand the value of this discipline. As an educator, it is my responsibility to help students understand marketing in its entirety and see it as a tool that should be used to facilitate a fair exchange that benefits the customer, the company, and society at large.

To achieve positive learning outcomes, I strive to create a classroom environment where everyone feels comfortable and welcomed. I firmly believe that student engagement is the most important factor that contributes to effective learning, so one of my primary goals is to maximize student participation. I am accomplishing this in a number of ways. First, I realize that students’ engagement in the material is directly correlated to my own engagement in the material as an instructor. Second, I aim to teach instead of lecturing. I structure my classes as an open-dialogue, where I ask my students questions to stimulate discussions, which promote understanding, rather than mem the material together. Finally, I incorporate group projects and assignments that promote team-building skills and allow students to develop deeper collegiate relationships, which also make them more involved and interested in the subject.


Outstanding Adjust Faculty Teaching Award, Old Dominion University, 2018-19
Strome College of Business Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Teaching Award, Old Dominion University 2019
Quality Matters – Applying Rubrics to Course Development and Assessment Certificate, 2018
AMS Doctoral Students Consortium Representative, Old Dominion University, 2017
Elizabeth City State University, Outstanding Staff Member Award, 2012
Elizabeth City State University, Outstanding Business Administration Major, 2010
Elizabeth City State University, SIFE (ENACTUS) Team Regional Competition Runner Up, 2010
Elizabeth City State University, Outstanding Contribution to SIFE, 2010
The Pantry, Outstanding Region Performer 5th Place Shrink/Cash Control, 2009
The Pantry, Region Top Performer - #1 Merchandise Sales Increase, 2009
The Pantry, Region Top Performer - #3 Labor % Variance, 2009