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Regent University's School of Law, Virginia Beach, has a number of student organizations such as the Moot Court Board and American Bar Association (ABA), Law Student Division.

Regent Law Student Organizations

Regent offers numerous activities for law students. The following groups provide opportunities for connecting with classmates and community involvement. Whether you are looking for avenues for spiritual growth and community service or seeking a social or professional network, these groups are key for law school student involvement.

The Regent Alternative Dispute Resolution Board (ADR) is comprised of both second- and third-year law students. The Board conducts mock negotiations for the Negotiations class and mentors Negotiations students in the early portion of the course. Additionally, the ADR Board focuses on client counseling, mediation and negotiation. Each of these areas is a unique lawyering skill, and the ADR Board’s goal is to train and equip our board members and classmates to be excellent in all three. The board participates in, hosts and has enjoyed success in numerous regional and national competitions and administers its own annual intramural negotiation competition.

The American Bar Association (ABA), Law Student Division has three objectives: serve students with educational needs, suggest ways students can serve their clients once they become attorneys, and provide students with service opportunities in the community.

The Asian Pacific American Law Student Association (APALSA) at the Regent University School of Law exists to encourage and support students as they pursue their calling to serve and remain responsive to the social, political, and academic promotion of the Asian Pacific American community.

The Black Law Students Association (BLSA) has two primary goals: to promote community service in neighboring black communities and to be a vehicle of spiritual, academic and cultural awareness, and support for black law students.

BLSA invites you to attend its 2024 Awards Banquet. BLSA strives to educate, unify, and serve with compassion, excellence, and servant-leadership. Our theme this year embodies our mission: "Paving The Way for Excellence." This year, BLSA will be honoring one student and alumni to receive the "Paving The Way for Excellence Award" and one legal professional to receive the "Dr. Joyce Plummer Making Black History Award."

Awards Banquet Details

  • Date, Time, & Location: Saturday, February 24, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Library Atrium (building #2 on campus map)
  • Ticket Price: $25 for non-students and guests, $10 for students, and $225 for a table of 10
  • Online Ticket Sales: January 30, 2024 - February 22, 2024

Tickets are available for purchase below. Please contact Brittany Chambliss at if you have questions.

Ticket Purchase Form

The Business Law Society’s (BLS) mission is to integrate the Christian faith into the practice of commercial, corporate, and transactional law. To accomplish our goal, BLS partners with the university and the community to provide law students with learning opportunities available through activities involving students, faculty and members of the local bar.

Founded in 1961, the Christian Legal Society (CLS) is a professional organization of over 4,500 attorneys, judges, law professors, law students, paralegals, and their families who desire to do justice with the love of God.

The Council of Graduate Students (COGS) is the student government organization for the university. Law school student involvement in this group provides the opportunity to facilitate the exchange of ideas among the other schools at Regent and represent the student body to the university’s administration.

The Family Law Society was created by Regent Law students who plan to practice or who are interested in the broad area of Family Law. Our mission is to give members a practical understanding of Family Law problems and solutions through interactions with professionals, provide a forum for the discussion of Family Law issues, and disseminate information to students about opportunities in the field of Family Law and related areas. Issues in Family Law include marriage, divorce, child custody, adoption and guardianship, paternity, domestic violence, child abuse, foster care, and juvenile justice, and more! Even if you are not considering practicing Family Law, we encourage all law students to join us in our mission to strengthen the family unit through the field of law.

The Federalist Society is a group of conservatives and libertarians interested in the current state of the legal order. Members seek to promote an awareness and an understanding of the USA’s founding principles, and believe in constitutionally limited government. They also view the separation of governmental powers as a central component of the U.S. Constitution and the responsibility of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be.

The Society includes three divisions: student, lawyer and faculty. The student division encompasses more than 5,000 law students nationwide at accredited law schools. The national office provides speakers and other assistance to local chapters.

The Hispanic Law Students Association (HLSA) at Regent University School of Law exists to encourage and support Hispanic and non-Hispanic students as they pursue their calling to serve and remain responsive to the social, political, and academic promotion of the Hispanic community.

The Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law Society (IPELS) provides a forum for Regent students and legal professionals to meet and discuss the subjects of intellectual property, entertainment, and sports law. The goal of IPELS is to educate Regent students regarding legal issues and potential employment in these areas, and to encourage Christian involvement and participation in these fields. IPELS desires to operate as a witness of the good news of Jesus Christ to the Intellectual Property, Entertainment, and Sports Law communities at large, while encouraging Regent students to be salt and light in those communities.

The Italian-American Law Students Association was founded in the Spring of 2023 by Regent Law students who saw the significance of a group that makes up almost six percent of the U.S. population. ILSA is dedicated to celebrating the Italian-American culture and legal community. We exist to serve as a resource to educate, promote, and preserve the Italian-American heritage, especially within the field of Law. ILSA is committed to building relationships in our community and is dedicated to providing networking opportunities, guest speakers, and delicious Italian food in an effort to advance the interests of the Italian-American legal community. Whether you are Italian by blood or just want to take part in the Italian culture, we welcome individuals from all backgrounds to join our family. Sign up to be notified of events here.

The James Kent Chapter of American Inns of Court is part of an 800-year-old English tradition brought to this country by Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger to encourage passing down high standards of ethics and excellence within the legal profession. Through our local chapter, selected third-year students are united with judges and respected senior lawyers in a formal mentorship program that encourages high standards of ethics and civility. Participating students receive firsthand insight into legal issues.

Founded in 2014, Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy (JGJPP) is a Christian academic journal dedicated to scholarly publications on all issues effecting global justice both in domestic and international law.

Come and join us for worship, the Word, and great food/fellowship at Law School Spiritual Life Council (LSSLC).

Who? Everyone - our services are open to the Regent Community and the public.
Where? Moot Courtroom in Robertson Hall
When? Every Thursday from 12:00 – 12:45 p.m.

Please send any questions or prayer requests to Please visit us on our social media pages for all the latest news!

The Law Wives Association of Regent University provides support and encouragement to spouses of law students. Through various activities members connect with one another for fellowship, encouragement, and training in service, so they may, in turn, support and encourage their husbands through the challenges of law school.

The Moot Court Board is dedicated to equipping students with the skills to be effective advocates. Students are encouraged to build their advocacy on sound legal reasoning and their commitment to God. The Moot Court Board works within the Regent Law School community by hosting the annual Regent Cup Competition in the fall for second- and third-year law school students, and the annual 1L Moot Court Competition in the spring. Additionally, they host two interscholastic competitions each year: The American Collegiate Competition and the Leroy R. Hassell, Sr. National Constitutional Law Moot Court Competition. The board also assists Regent students in the development of oral and written advocacy skills through participation in various external regional and national competitions.

The Newman Club is an organization of Catholic students. The Society is committed to helping students develop spiritually. It sponsors weekly masses and an annual Red Mass on Regent University’s campus. In addition to its spiritual emphasis, the Society offers an array of social activities for law students, as well as opportunities for community involvement.

Founded in 2008, Phi Alpha Delta (PAD) is a professional co-ed law fraternity of Regent Law School. Phi Alpha Delta’s mission is to advance the integrity, compassion, and courage of its members through service to the student, the school, the profession and the community. Phi Alpha Delta offers a multitude of opportunities for students to participate in networking events, community service activities, and professional development forums.

The Public Interest Legal Advocates of Regent (PILAR) seek to provide a venue through which students can act to begin eliminating the inequality of legal resources in our country. PILAR strives to bring awareness of legal public interest issues to law students and to offer opportunities to connect with local attorneys serving the public interest. Each year, PILAR provides summer grants to qualified law students so they may gain experience in public interest fields during their 1L and 2L summers. Ultimately, PILAR’s goal is to call and equip future Christian lawyers to serve the public interest with the legal talents they have been given.

Regent Students for Life (RSFL) provides the Regent community the opportunity to discuss and engage the culture on all aspects of life: abortion, post-abortion, adoption, disability discrimination, euthanasia, stem cell research, genocide, RU486, abstinence, and much more. This group provides an opportunity for educated, mannerly debate, discussion, and service to others, and for all Regent students, faculty, staff and community members to come together as one body to serve those in need for Christ.

The Regent University Law Review is fulfilling its vision to “provide a forum for a Christian perspective on law and the legal profession, especially through the application of biblical principles to law.”

The purpose of the Republican National Lawyers Association Law Student Chapter (RNLA) is to advance professionalism, advance open, fair and honest elections, advance career opportunities, advance Republican ideals, and fulfill Regent’s mission of “Christian Leadership to Change the World.”

The SBA Honor Council has authority to consider allegations of student misconduct pursuant to the process established in the Regent University School of Law Honor Code.

The Student Bar Association (SBA) is the student government at Regent University School of Law. The SBA provides law students with representative leadership to the law school and the university. The SBA also has a strong history of providing social and ministry occasions for the entire community. Studying law is a unique privilege and the SBA seeks to provide students with the best law school experience attainable. Student governance is granted to the Student Senate by the Student Bar Association Constitution.

The Trial Advocacy Board (TAB) assists in training law students in the art of trial advocacy and procedural litigation skills while integrating Christian ideals into the courtroom, with the ultimate goal of molding students into aggressive Christian advocates. The Trial Advocacy Board will achieve this mission by providing students with opportunities to attend and compete in national trial advocacy competitions, host periodic seminars, and sponsor an annual intramural trial advocacy competition.

The Virginia Bar Association Law School Council (VBA LSC) at Regent facilitates connecting Regent Law students with both the state and local bar associations. It is a branch of the Virginia Bar Association through its Young Lawyers Division.

Wellness Society is a student organization for law students that provide awareness and resources to those struggling with mental health. We also aim to equip students to help others with their mental health struggles. We are hoping to create a space for students to receive the help and support they need and show them the love of Christ that they may not see elsewhere. Each semester, we will host two mental health events get law students access to the resources and information they need.

The Women’s Law Association (“WLA”) is a collegiate chapter of the National Women of Law Students’ Organization (“NWLSO”) of Ms. JD, a national community that provides a forum for dialogue and networking among practicing and aspiring female lawyers. The WLA aims to increase the representation of women in the legal profession by raising awareness of relevant issues and fostering a strong, empowering community among practicing and aspiring female attorneys. The WLA encourages female law students to be advocates for Christ in and outside the Courtroom.