Reciprocity Information
Many of you who are planning to sit for the bar in another state have sought out internships and jobs through networking and talking with family friends at home. While we would tell you that networking is still one of the best ways to make those professional connections, reciprocity can be a very useful tool!
Reciprocity means reciprocal access and is something law schools offer to the students of other law schools granting access to their version of Pathfinder (Symplicity). Regent sends a request on your behalf requesting that they give you access to their job postings while agreeing that Regent would do the same for one of the other school’s students. This provides Regent students with access to job postings and internships that are local to the law school that granted reciprocity.
The Career and Alumni Services Department of Regent University School of Law will provide reasonable use of its services to students or graduates of ABA-approved law schools on the following terms:
- Reciprocity will be granted on a one-to-one basis to students from an ABA-approved law school if that school also enforces reciprocity on a one-to-one basis.
- Reciprocity will be open-ended to an ABA-approved law school if that school also adheres to an open-ended policy.
- Requests for reciprocity must be made in writing by a career services official of the requesting law school and received in advance of any services being extended to the student or graduate. No walk-in requests will be honored.
- A reciprocity individual MUST identify him/herself to a placement official IMMEDIATELY upon entering the Career and Alumni Services Department. They must take a copy of the grant letter with them each time they visit the department.
- Services offered – access to current job boards, reference materials, publications, online jobs via Symplicity, and limited career counseling by appointment.
- Requests for reciprocity will be granted for 90 days from the date of initial request.
- Reciprocity will not be granted from August 1 to November 15.
- The following services are unavailable under reciprocity privileges: blind postings, resume referral, on-campus interviewing, participation in job fairs and access to Westlaw.
- Services may be denied to any individual school surpassing a reasonable number of requests or misuse of services or facilities.
- Regent University and Virginia’s seven other ABA-accredited law schools – William and Mary, University of Virginia, Washington & Lee University, University of Richmond, Liberty University School of Law, The Appalachian School of Law and George Mason University – do not permit simultaneous reciprocity. Reciprocity requests must be limited to only one of the state’s law schools for the length of the relevant reciprocity period.
Requests should be sent to:
Kathy Stull, Director of Career & Alumni Services
Regent Law Career & Alumni Services
1000 Regent University Drive, RH247
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23464-9800
If you would like to utilize access to another law school’s version of Pathfinder, please search the school’s website for their reciprocity policy to ensure that you meet the requirements before contacting Career Services. Once you have verified that you meet any requirements of a specific law school, please provide the following via email to
- The full name and address of the law school
- Contact person’s name, title, and/or email
- Verify that you meet whatever qualifications they may have (sometimes schools restrict reciprocity to 3Ls or graduates)
- Include the link to their website’s information on reciprocity
Once we receive the above information from you, a letter is drafted on your behalf from Career Services and emailed to the contact given with you carbon copied. Once you are granted reciprocity, we ask that you let us know (if we were not carbon copied on the acceptance) so we are aware that you have been fully assisted.
In the event that you do not hear back after a week or two, please follow up with Career Services so we can send a reminder email.