Volume 2, Issue 1 / 2006
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From the Editor
Dail Fields

With this issue, we complete the first full year of publication for the International Journal of Leadership Studies . We have all been pleased by the quality of the papers we have received over the past year. I hope you have enjoyed the results of our efforts to present a professional research journal in an online format free of charge to readers. Authors should take note that the IJLS is now cataloged by Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management. We are interested in receiving new work. So bring it on!

We have a set of interesting regular and special issues of the journal taking shape for the next year. For example, we will publish special issues on values-based leadership and servant leadership in the upcoming year. I am spending the year as a Fulbright scholar in Lithuania and am working on how to cultivate support here for an issue on leadership in Eastern Europe. [more]

Practitioner's Corner

Bonnie J. Straight

Uncertainty - A Fruitful Place to Be
Are you striving to minimize uncertainty in your organization? If so, you may not be fully utilizing the creativity of your people and may be missing out on significant opportunities. Uncertainty can be a fruitful place to be if you understand how to take advantage of it. This research note reviews some studies of uncertainty, transition, and not knowing and then examines some examples from Lithuania's transition from the Soviet Union to the European Union. These examples are from a case study of the development of organizational trust in a multicultural university in Lithuania (Straight, 2004). [more]

Please note: Views and opinions expressed in the articles published in the International Journal of Leadership Studies (IJLS) represent each author's research and viewpoint and do not necessarily represent IJLS or its sponsors. IJLS and its sponsors make no representations about the accuracy of the information contained in published manuscripts and disclaims any and all responsibility or liability resulting from the information contained in the IJLS.

Although research has indicated that self-managing teams can help organizations improve their performance, middle managers instructed to facilitate the introduction of these teams sometimes resist the change effort. One of the key reasons why these managers resist the introduction of self-managing teams is confusion surrounding the role of the manager after the teams have been empowered. This confusion stems from the fact that the manager has responsibility for a team that is expected, to a large degree, to lead itself. Since resistance by middle managers is one of the main factors resulting in self-managed team failures, it is important to learn more about the reasons why these managers support or resist the team initiative. This paper looks at the impact of uncertainty and intraorganizational relationships on middle managers’ decision to support or resist the introduction of self-managing teams. It also suggests ways in which organizations might work with managers to help them develop greater openness and support for this team innovation. [more]

Social Cognition and Corporate Entrepreneurship: A Framework for Enhancing the Role of Middle-Level Managers
Michael G. Goldsby, Donald F. Kuratko, Jeffrey S. Hornsby, Jeffery D. Houghton, & Christopher P. Neck

Despite increasing research on corporate entrepreneurship, a review of the literature shows that little has been developed to improve the cognitive processes of middle managers engaged in entrepreneurial activity. One existing framework explains sustained corporate entrepreneurial activity on the basis of whether outcomes of such entrepreneurial behavior either meet or exceed the expectations set by managers before undertaking the activity. However, there is a gap in our understanding of what can be done for managers prior to that critical moment of approving or declining further entrepreneurial projects. The purpose of this paper is to address that gap in the literature by applying social cognitive theory (specifically the self-leadership concept) as a framework for middle managers to enhance their perceptions of the benefits of taking part in further corporate entrepreneurial activity. [more]

Servant versus Self-Sacrificial Leadership: A Behavioral Comparison of Two Follower-Oriented Leadership Theories
Jeffrey A. Matteson & Justin A. Irving

Since Greenleaf (1977), research pertaining to servant leadership has carved a unique place in the leadership literature. The last decade has produced focused theory development including instrument development and empirical studies. Similarly, since Burns (1978), this era witnessed increased theoretical and empirical attention on the role of leader self-sacrifice. Recently, Stone, Russell, and Patterson (2004) and Smith, Montagno, and Kuzmenko (2004) examined the similarities and differences of servant and transformational leadership. This paper employs analogous methods to examine servant and self-sacrificial leadership. The authors suggest that although servant and self-sacrificial leadership share many common characteristics, they differ in several behavioral dimensions. [more]

The Journey of a Charismatic Leader: From Principal to Principal Change Agent
Vivian Shulman & Susan Sullivan

The purpose of this study was to describe the journey of an educational leader in several different contexts. An intrinsic case study was used to examine the development and evolution of this leader as he moved from school principal to deputy superintendent for Bronx small schools to deputy superintendent for one of 10 New York City restructured school regions. Theories of charismatic and constructivist leadership proved effective in describing the style of this particular leader. It was suggested that the effects of context change on leadership practices need to be incorporated into current leadership theory. [more]

Public Library Leaders' Perspectives on Followership: A Transnational Study
John Mullins & Margaret Linehan

This paper presents new findings on public library leadership from interviews with library leaders in Ireland, Britain, and the United States. The study takes as its unique focus the perceptions of currently serving library leaders on the topic of leadership and followership in public librarianship. The findings illustrate the importance of the library leaders' role to followers in their organizations. This paper highlights aspects of the leader-follower relationship including team leadership, leader as teacher/mentor, leader as emotional/psychological supporter, leader as role model, leader attitudes to in-house challenges, and the nurturing of new leaders. Varying leadership styles have been practiced by leaders, with no universal or common traits even within national boundaries, for developing successful leader-follower relationships. [more]


International Journal of Leadership Studies
An online refereed journal sponsored by
Regent University School of Business & Leadership
1000 Regent University Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Phone: 757-352-4550; Email: ijls@regent.edu
© 2007| ISSN 1554-3145