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volume 2 | issue 1 2009
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About JSL
The Journal of Strategic Leadership (JSL) provides a forum for leadership practitioners and students of strategic leadership around the world by publishing applied articles on topics that enhance knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon of strategic leadership at all levels within a variety of industries and organizations.

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Editor's Note
Welcome to the second volume of JSL. We will continue to publish one issue a year for the next couple of years and we will not despise small beginnings. This journal is a process of slow but steady growth. In this issue you will find articles from our Doctor of Strategic Leadership program students. I trust that you will find the information valuable and informative.

Please Note
Views and opinions expressed in the articles published in the Journal of Strategic Leadership (JSL) represent each author's research and viewpoint and do not necessarily represent JSL or its sponsors. JSL and its sponsors make no representations about the accuracy of the information contained in published manuscripts and disclaims any and all responsibility or liability resulting from the information contained in the JSL.


A Credible Leader for Turbulent Times: Examining the Qualities Necessary for Leading into the Future
Allen H. Quist    

This article introduces a credible leader with leadership qualities that are needed to successfully lead an organization through the turbulence of our present world. These credible leadership qualities include: 1) a demonstrated competency in leading an organization through turbulence; 2) an honorable intent in the eyes of his or her people; 3) a commitment to personal and staff learning; 4) a leader who is comfortable dealing with people and cultures different from his or her own; 5) a future-oriented leader who studies the current driving forces, searching for likely futures the organization may experience; 6) a leader with a sense of personal creativity and innovation, as well as the capability and commitment to provide an organizational environment conducive to creativity and innovation. Finally, this article presents suggested steps for the reader to develop him or herself into a credible leader for turbulent times.
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Romantic Idealism: Transitioning from For-Profit to Non-Profit Leadership
Tim H. Vanderpyl            

Where do non-profit boards recruit from when they inevitably need to replace key leadership positions? One source of recruitment may be from the for-profit executive ranks. Ironically, many non-profits are uninterested in recruiting from the ranks of older, retiring professionals, even though these experienced professionals form a major pool to recruit from. The transition is not without hurdles, and this article focuses on some of the differences and similarities amongst leadership positions in the business and non-profit world and the issues and strategies involved in the transition to non-profit leadership. Organization, leadership and followership are all needed in any organization, but the differences may diminish the romantic idealism that some executives may have on working in a non-profit organization. Darren is a fictitious character, but his struggles and experiences are synonymous with the struggles that many leaders may face in a transition from the for-profit to the non-profit world of organizations.
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Making Better, Stronger Churches Through Organizational Design
Kathleen Austin-Roberson         

If contemporary churches want to increase their ministry effectiveness and experience enduring success, they must be willing to design and redesign themselves. To do so, they need to incorporate new strategies, structures and systems that give the strategic focus, momentum and operational support needed to thrive in an ever-changing world; while at the same time maintaining the very sacred nature that causes them to be uniquely different from all other organizations. This article seeks to examine organizational design in a ministry context by: 1) arguing its relevance and application to churches; 2) examining five trends that will impact the church over the next ten years, making church redesign efforts a must; 3) exploring design elements utilized by the first century church that are applicable today; 4) examining the critical role of church leaders in designing efforts.
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Emergent Innovation: A New Strategic Paradigm
Gary Oster         

In perilous economic times, fresh ideas and innovation are the lifeblood of every corporation. Emergent innovation is a strategic innovation methodology. Emergent innovation does not impose new and foreign innovation techniques on company employees, but instead seeks out, recognizes and helps promote useful innovation methodologies already at work in the organization. To overcome historical corporate constraints to innovation and promote emergent innovation, leadership must intentionally clarify corporate ideals, draw ever closer to customers, seek and uncover existing invisible corporate innovators, share successful innovation methodologies with other employees and welcome productive internal friction. Progress is often quick, results are usually sustainable and emergent innovation may be broadly applied. Rather than massive corporate change, emergent innovation seeks to uncover and extend “small wins,” which may develop momentum and beget many more “small wins.” Changes in employee behavior coincide with changes in understanding. Local success is easily seen to be the forerunner of larger, systemic change. Small wins are generally finite, complete, implemented innovation, which may ultimately attract internal allies, deter opponents and lower resistance to further innovation in the organization.
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Organizational Design during Financial Crisis
David A. Skipper              

Organizational leaders are currently faced with increasing stress on their financial systems due to worsening national and world economic conditions. Even when the current crisis abates, better financial planning will be needed to help minimize the risk of further economic crisis. In this article, the author introduces the idea that organizational design itself offers a means of protection and mitigation of many financial risk factors and can be addressed in times of financial crisis to increase chances of survival. Discussion, case examples and organizational change models are offered to assist leaders in evaluating their individual organization’s situations.
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The Journal of Strategic Leadership is a publication of the Regent University School of Business & Leadership | © 2009
1000 Regent University Drive | Virginia Beach, VA 23464 | 757.352.4550 | | ISSN 1941-4668